So I assume the answer is---- babies are weird and it will get better. Maybe.
But who knows maybe someone has a brilliant suggestions so why not ask!
My 5mo used to be a great sleeper, great napper... not so much anymore. I think that she has sort of high sleep needs.. which she used to just go down easily for naps and sleep a lot. But now she NEEDS sleep but FIGHTS it. And it's frustrating.
Basically she can't ever be awake (happily) for more than 1.5 hours. Max. After waking up in the morning she has 45-60 minutes before she starts getting really cranky and rubbing her eyes. After good naps (good nap = 2 hours) she can be awake 1.5 hrs before getting cranky and rubbing her eyes. We've tried to catch her at all levels of tiredness and what works BEST is if she's just started rubbing her eyes, we take her up to nap. (if you make her wait even 10 min after she starts rubbing her eyes you're in for a meltdown, if your take her up before she starts rubbing at all she just gets extra wiggly and doesn't seem to want to get tired).
But even if we take her up right at that good window, it is a total crapshoot of whether or not she will sleep well. Usually she still fights it a bit, usually (but not always) I can get her to sleep. About 75% of the time I can transfer her to the pack n play successfully, whereas the other 25% of the time she decides she can ONLY sleep on me and wakes up angry every time I stand up. But the thing is-- her naps are still so inconsistent. Even if I get her asleep and down in her pack n play--- she wakes up after 30 minutes every single time. EVERY time. And a lot of times I can put her paci back in and rub her head and she goes back to sleep, or I can pick her up and rock her and she goes back to sleep-- but sometimes she just refuses and has a terrible 30 min nap which leaves her just horribly cranky after. And then wants to go back down 45-60 min later and we have to start the whole process over again.
It seems like at 5mo a lot of people are working on moving to 3 naps and we're still pretty solidly at 4 naps because her awake time is so short and she rarely has a day with 3 good naps to fill enough time until bedtime, so we almost always have to shove that awkward 4th nap in there.
Sigh. I know it's ridiculous to say "she's clearly tired so WHY WON'T SHE SLEEP" because the answer is "she's a baby and babies are fucking nuts"... but still.
Any thoughts on how to get more successful naps? Or even just "yea my kid too but by __ months it was better"? If it never got better don't tell me because I'm having a frustrated morning and I don't need to hear it