LO has always been gassy and ped OK'ed gas drops/gripe water when she was 11 days old. Last week when she had her one month I asked about trouble pooping and he said if she doesn't go for 3 days to give her an ounce of apple/pear/prune juice. The problem isn't that she's not going, it's how uncomfortable she is trying to go. On Sunday she spent hours arching her back and shaking her legs and pulling them up to her chest. That day and since then, she's basically been unhappy whenever she's awake if she isn't eating/have her paci (no fever or anything other than this stuff). Though she cries out so much in her sleep I don't even know if I can say she's not unhappy then anyway. We switched to dairy/soy free formula to test that out. It's only been 48 hours, but it seems like maybe she's a bit less cranky now though I know it's still pretty soon. But she is still spending at least an hour grunting and letting out cries while she works up to a poop. Poop consistency is normal. Separate but possibly related, she is difficult to burp and fussy about eating, too. She had been eating 75% milk (EP) / 25% formula before this dairy trial. (I am building a stash while we do this dairy trial.) I know breastfed babies eat more often, but she was eating 11-15x per day in 1.5-2 hr intervals. Her total for the day was good, but she was averaging 2 oz per feed with coaxing. She'll eat a whole bottle sometimes, but she often stops and starts and stops and starts. She tends to spit up a lot (projectile) when she eats more. She's doing that now with the formula, too.
I have friends whose babies have reflux and dairy allergies and I don't want to jump to conclusions, but it seems like lots of small things adding up. Or maybe this is normal and she's just waking up from the newborn haze and is going to be a cranky baby, I don't know. I hate seeing her so miserable. I called the ped but the nurse hasn't called back.