Bees, I'm looking for advice for almost 8 week old LO's naps. Up until last week we were in the blissful nap/sleep-all-the-time phase. Well, it hit me like a ton of bricks this week that she has to learn how to nap/sleep. Fortunately our night sleep is great right now, so this is just about naps.

I've read that she should only be awake for 1 - 1 1/2 hour increments right now. She definitely doesn't like this rule. I guess I'm confused about how to GET her to sleep. I don't want to CIO this early, so how to I get her down without putting her to sleep (aka rocking, nursing or swinging?). Every time I try to put her down awake or drowsy she plays for a minute then cries until I come pick her up.

This morning, I finally got her to sleep by rocking and then put her down in her crib. She slept for 20 minutes then woke up hungry... So I nursed her and played with her a bit then put her in her swing. Well she's been swinging for a good 40 minutes now and is just staring at me like - come play mom! I know that there is that magic moment when they are not too drowsy and overtired, so maybe I'm not hitting it?

Will I be setting us up for failure if I do nurse her to sleep or rock her? I have to go back to work in 4 1/2 weeks so I'm trying to establish some sort of good habits...

Please help..