I am. So. Confused. LO is 8 months old and in the last three days has been fighting every single nap like crazy. It's not even that he wants company or to be soothed-he's just wide awake and nothing will put him to sleep, not even nursing! He is already getting 3.5 hours awake time in the morning and in the middle of the day he wants even more!! We had been doing something like 3.25, 3.5-3.75, then 3 before bedtime but now he's still acting like he's not getting enough awake time. I've tried putting him down sooner, watched for eye rubbing and fussiness but I'm really confused. Anybody else go through this? He used to go to bed around 7 but it shifted around 8 months to more like 8; which I'm fine with because I'm scared of the time change and ewu. Thoughts? Thanks!