So this morning I'm already at work and I get a call...."Any idea where the bink is?". Me.... No clue, "did you check his bed? Or our bed? Wherever he was when you gave him a drink?". Phone call ended.

30 mins later I get another call..."He went without one but I just bought him new ones ". Me did you get the right kind?? Dh is COMPLETELY CONFUSED. "What kind? There's a kind?". Me yeah didn't you see all the kinds when you were there?!?!!?? At the store?!??!

Our son is 2.5 yo and dh has no clue what kind of Paci he uses.

Dh " nuk, I got nuk, is that right?"

Fast forward to 530 pm.... I get home walk in the door and into the kitchen and right in clear view on the floor is his Paci...... Then I walk around the island and on the island amongst some papers is ANOTHER PACI.

Like what the????


I seriously can only laugh. Would anyone else's dh do such a thing?!?!!? Lol....