I have pretty serious ADHD and I was taking Adderall for the last two years, which made an incredible difference in my productivity at work. I work in a residential facility with teens in foster care, and it is really fast paced and unpredictable. I stopped taking my medication as soon as I found out I was pregnant, and between that and the hormones and whatever else, my work is sliding already. (I'm 9 weeks.) I'm forgetting a lot of things, it's hard for me to stay focused and I'm having a hard time organizing my thoughts. I'm pretty sure it is noticeable to my coworkers, at least a couple of them.

I have not had my first ob appointment yet; it is scheduled for 10/7. I was planning to wait until then to tell my supervisor, but I am wondering if I should tell her sooner. It would be helpful to two of my immediate coworkers to know, since I work very closely with them. Is it too risky to tell my supervisor and coworkers this early?