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Adverse reaction to flu shot?

  1. kjn

    olive / 58 posts

    @jh524: A couple of things. Firstly, no... Vaccines don't tax an already busy immune system. The immune system is busy all the time - every time you brush your teeth, eat something. Literally every second of every day your immune system is busy. Your immune system does not recognize "vaccines" per se. It recognizes antigens. So when you vaccinate, your body says "There's another antigen. I'll go ahead and make antibodies." It doesn't have to "work hard". If making antibodies was taxing to the immune system we would be in trouble. So no - vaccines don't make the immune system work hard thereby somehow increasing the severity of an unrelated viral illness.

    Many people have correctly refuted some of your other points but what I haven't seen refuted yet is the mercury question. The multi-dose flu vaccine contains thimerosal which is broken down to ethyl-mercury. This is different from methyl-mercury which is what we worry about in our food and environment. At toxic levels methyl-mercury can cause damage to the brain and CNS. Ethyl-mercury is metabolized more quickly by the body and has never been shown to build up or cause any problems in the CNS.

    Listen to @scarletbegonia. She clearly has an understanding of immunology. The "research" that you're citing is the same anti-vaccine rhetoric that has been disproven again and again.

    Speaking of which, this article made me laugh today: http://www.iflscience.com/health-and-medicine/anti-vaxxers-fund-study-finds-zero-link-between-vaccinations-and-autism

  2. jh524

    pear / 1632 posts

    @kjn: well said and like I said earlier, I'm not anti vaccine even though I sound like it but I deeply question vaccine safety. It's seems like I'm gotten overly sensitive to vaccine reactions because of my sons reactions every time we vaccinated. It feels like we gamble when we vaccinate.... Will we have a reaction this time or not.

  3. Astro Bee

    pear / 1503 posts

    @JH524: What issues has your son experienced following his vaccinations?

  4. ScarletBegonia

    persimmon / 1339 posts

    @jh524: I'm so sorry your son has had a reaction to his shots. If he is allergic or reactive to a vaccine component or adjunct then I'm sure your doctor will advise you to stop vaccinating or to vaccinate on an adjusted schedule, and as well they should!! No one should have to suffer for good immunity! It just becomes all the more important for the large, large majority of the population that can be safely vaccinated to do so - to keep little ones who can't be vaccinted (including babies under 6-8 weeks old) safe.


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