I had planned on getting the Mirena post partum, but it looks like that won't be happening, at least for a few months. Turns out despite my doctor telling me Mirena was an option, the office doesn't have it in stock. For them to order it from the pharmacy would cost me 800$. I'm a little annoyed. Just a bit.

So, since I'm breastfeeding, it looks like I'll be on the mini pill until I can find another gyno office that will see me and has it in stock.

I did not plan on using the mini pill, since we are probably one and done, so I know very little about it. Can those of you who have experience ease my worries? I'm concerned about it's effectiveness, how heavy my cycle will be, etc. I may only be using it for a few months, or it may be until I stop breastfeeding.

Tell me your stories, bees