I like to really get ahead on Christmas and I was thinking of our list vs. our "wish list" to give the grandparents. The lists were getting too big and I am wanting to delay at least one of these presents until age 2.5 and another until age 3. So which ones on the this would you push off?
LO will be 23m this Christmas and have his 2nd bday a month after.
We have already purchased, but could save:
- A wooden train set w/ train tracks
- MagFormers set
- Marble Tower set
- Books
- “Baby doll” set + accessories (to prep for baby sister and learn gentle hands)
- Potty Training supplies
Ideas for grandparents / aunts/ uncles
- Size 8 sneakers or sandals
- Size 9 sandals
- Bath toys that DON’T trap water / grow mold
- Toddler crayons (the bigger/thick ones)
- Construction papers & toddler scissors
- Balance Bike (big purchase)
- Kid’s piano (the more realistic, the better) (big purchase) (highly, highly desired, he LOVES any you or real pianos we encounter)