What's the age gap between your kids and the pros and cons in your opinion.
What's the age gap between your kids and the pros and cons in your opinion.
86 votes
blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts
There is 8.5 months between my oldest and my twins. That's just crazy and no one does that. but then my daughter came along two years later. I love the two year age gap. The boys loved her when we came home. They were able to play a bit on their own while I nursed her. Now they bicker quite a bit but to be honest I think that's pretty normal for siblings.
apricot / 485 posts
Mine will be 2.5 years apart. I really don't know if one is best, there are pros and cons to all options. 2 years or less is hectic and they might be great friends as kids but there is also a lot of opportunity for rivalry/hate as teens. 3 or more years you have an older more responsible kid (who can help with baby) but they might be more resentful at first and you also prolong the time you go without much sleep lol. Plus having to hang onto baby stuff for years and years.
Having seen lots of sibling relationships of adults among my friends (with spacing varying from 2 years to 10 years) I think the "closeness" of siblings is not based on an age gap but on individual personalities and the way the family is raised (some people are raised in more "distant" families and others communicate a lot more and focus on doing things together). I know siblings who are 2 years apart that aren't close and siblings 10 years apart who are very close.
pineapple / 12566 posts
Mine are 3 years apart. I loved it, but of course, that's all I know. The older one was potty trained, STTN, could communicate really well and was somewhat independent by the time LO2 came along. We didn't have too many regressions when the baby came along, and within about 3 weeks we had found a groove. Now, they are nearly 5.5 and 2.5 and they play together and mostly get along.
coconut / 8472 posts
We were trying to balance a lot of things, and amazingly got the exact gap I was hoping for - 2.75 years. Very specific, I know, lol.
I wanted our kids to be close together. I grew up with a brother that was 5.5 years younger than me, and we were never very close. We also live in an area with high daycare costs, but the costs drop significantly once kids are in the preschool room at 2y9m. I'm hopeful that once the baby comes, we will have a similar experience to @lamariniere: since DS can communicate really well now, he's mostly potty trained, and he STTN.
I'm not sure I'd very good at dealing with 2 infants at once. I also don't want multiple kids in vastly different stages of life either. The only cons I see are that 2 can be a difficult age. If DS was younger I think he'd be more likely to take a new baby in stride, and I think they'd be able to play together sooner.
watermelon / 14467 posts
Originally, I wanted a 2-year gap, but at 1 year I was not at all ready to be pregnant again. Ours will be 3 years apart and I think it's going to be perfect. H will be more self-sufficient and she's a big helper. I am also hoping she's potty trained and will be doing that mostly by herself.
coconut / 8854 posts
We really wanted 2 years or less between our LO's just so that they would have a close relationship, but I really don't think I will get pregnant within the next 2-3 months. So we will most likely have our LO's 2.5-3 years apart
nectarine / 2436 posts
@Mrs. Train: wait, explain 8.5 months. Did you get pregnant while giving birth?!!
nectarine / 2436 posts
@Portboston: I thought I'd give my perspective as an adult. My sister and I are exactly 2 years apart and absolutely cannot stand each other but that's a personality thing. The competition growing up was terrible for both of us. My husband and his brother are two years apart and our bestest friends. I guess there's no way to predict how siblings will get along!
cherry / 235 posts
My boys are 3yr9m apart. We originally had been aiming for 2.5-3 years, and I did get pregnant so that it would have been 3 years, but that pregnancy ended in miscarriage.
I wanted them closer, but things didn't work out that way. And in the end the age gap has turned out to be great. DS1 was very independent by the time his brother came along and was really helpful once he was here. Now that DS2 is two and talking they are really interacting and playing together. Not always nicely, but I'm no longer worried about their age gap.
pear / 1616 posts
20 months. The beginning was good, no jealousy issues since dd was so young. She adjusted after a day or two. It got hard when DS was about 1 and required more attention from being mobile and dd was still clingy. But the last couple months have been great. They are 3.5 and 22mo. DS is more independent and very verbal and dd has been sweet so we've hit a good spot. So I would pick this age gap again since I think the biggest pro was that dd didn't have much of an adjustment period. I've heard that can be rough if they're older!
watermelon / 14467 posts
@pachamama: She adopted her older son while experiencing infertility and then found out she was pregnant with twins.
pineapple / 12793 posts
We've done one year, two years, and three years exactly.
One was the easiest, and two was the hardest but none were all that crazy difficult.
The hardest part of Irish twins was being pregnant again so soon. Other than that it's been super easy. They both sleep a lot. Don't require tons of exercise. No jealously.
Two was tricky just in that their needs were in conflict. One needed a lot of stimulation and the other needed to sleep. My oldest didn't understand that she couldn't climb on me and the baby while we were nursing.
Three was a touch earlier than two because she's in part time preschool and is mildly helpful. We've had a few bumps with her needing more one on one attention, but with sleeping babies that hadn't been too difficult to accommodate.
persimmon / 1281 posts
@kes18: @pachamama: totally agree! My sister and I are 3 years apart and have never gotten along due to personality differences
pear / 1881 posts
@pachamama: @Portboston: I think they adopted their first and then were pregnant with twins (or vice versa)!
eggplant / 11716 posts
We didn't have any strong feelings on child spacing but we've been very happy with how it's turned out with our girls being a little less than 25 months apart.
apricot / 485 posts
@pachamama: Yeah funny enough my DH's brothers are all two years apart (2 years, 2 year, 2 years, and then the 4th is 8 years younger than my DH- he was an oops) and DH is the oldest. Him and the next born HATED each other in middle and high school. Lots of competition and rivalry. But all 4 are pretty close now as 25+ year olds, even my DH (32) and his youngest brother (24). My brothers are 3 years younger than me but we're not super close. Just personalities I suppose. We get along, just not real close.
GOLD / wonderful pea / 17697 posts
We're only 5 months into two kids, and they are just under 3.5 years apart. It's been rough, honestly. On one hand, E was pretty much potty-trained (he still wears a diaper at night and for naps), is very verbal, and very independent. He was old enough when I was pregnant to sort of understand that a baby was coming (some of his classmates have younger siblings), and was very excited about her. He loves her to pieces, and is very helpful with things like diapers and feedings.
But he's also had some big behavioral issues since I went back to work, some of which might just be his age but most I think is about getting attention. Unfortunately, with my husband's schedule I solo parents most nights (after working a full day), so by the time I get us all fed and both kids ready for bed I just don't have a lot of time to give him the attention he wants. I make sure he gets it from both me and D on the weekends, but it's really not enough. And poor G barely gets any one on one attention from me during the week, because the older one is so very demanding of it.
I'm hoping something breaks soon. I'm exhausted and worried that he's going to be kicked out of his preschool
pineapple / 12053 posts
2y9m apart and it's been great for the reason that DD1 is potty trained and can do a lot on her own. Their needs are very different (emotional versus physical) but I think that's true of any other kid so her independence is much appreciated!
pomelo / 5607 posts
If we have another (DH is on the fence, I want one for sure), we have to wait a minimum of 18 months to reduce the risk of preterm labor happening again. Originally I wanted to start trying right at 18 months, but DH's company trip next year is the company's 20 year anniversary and I really don't want to miss it. It's going to be in the Bahamas, so I feel like Zika may be an issue. Plus traveling while pregnant makes me nervous now after everything. So (if I get DH on board), we'll start trying right after that trip. It's usually in June which is lo's bday month, so probably looking at around a 3 year gap.
I wish they'd be closer together, but given that it took us 2 years to have LO, it's not like starting as soon as I get AF back would guarantee anything anyway. I'm glad to see positive 3 year gap responses!
pomelo / 5220 posts
I was also told to wait 18 months because my LO was 6 weeks early, so I was planning to start right around then - but then I signed up for a marathon so I did that first. Now he is 21 months and we have a few events over the summer that interfere with TTC so hopefully they will be about 2 years and 9 months to three years apart if things work out/TTC doesn't take too long.
persimmon / 1328 posts
Mine are 26 months apart... it is hard work! DS1 has actually been really great and has had minimal behaviour issues - but as someone else mentioned there is a real conflict of needs at this age! I can't imagine it being easy at any age but I am tempted to wait 3 years next time so DS2 is in preschool. But DH is Team Power Through!
pomegranate / 3438 posts
Mine are going to be 4 years 9 months apart. I'm still pregnant, so I can't really list out the true pros and cons of such a large gap. But we live in an expensive area and it just made sense for us to wait. DS is so excited about getting a sibling, he keeps talking about all the things he is going to teach him/her, how he is going to help me feed the baby and change diapers. We'll see what happens when the baby actually gets here!
What I do like right now is that he understands I'm tired and don't feel good (yay first trimester). He is pretty independent and likes to do stuff for himself, which really helps in the mornings when I have a hard time getting going.
blogger / pomegranate / 3300 posts
@Portboston: yep. Completely nuts!!! @pachamama: my oldest is adopted and I got pregnant about 2 weeks after he was born. @LatteLove: a little early. 37 weeks.
papaya / 10560 posts
There are 17 months between my two. They are best buddies. Play well together because so close in age and so fun having my older one really look after the little one--has never really known any different since he was practically a baby still when we brought her home. Cons two in daycare really blows financially!
cantaloupe / 6059 posts
Mine are 13 months apart but they should've only been 12.5 months apart (I was two weeks late with the second). It's been awesome - wouldn't change a thing! Baby #3 will be 24 months younger than DD and I have NO idea what to expect. I'm nervous about it because the close age gap was so easy and a lot of fun.
pomegranate / 3192 posts
Mine are 2 years 3 weeks apart, and I love it! I don't have anything to compare it to but it's been really good
kiwi / 641 posts
Mine are almost exactly 3 years a part and we have been pretty happy with the age gap. My DD was potty trained, more independent and had a better understanding of having a baby. 3 hasn't been my favorite age with her but I think it would have been that way regardless. She loves her baby brother!
persimmon / 1436 posts
Mine are 3.5 years apart. I just wasn't ready until LO1 was 2.5. We were on the fence about a second and then one day I decided we should go for it so we did. DH always wanted a second but left it up to me since I had a really bad pregnancy with our first.
pomelo / 5621 posts
When/if we have another they will be at least 4 years apart and I'd be happy with that, DS is just 3.
I have two sisters, 7 & 10 years younger. We are all really close. DH on the other hand has a brother 2 years younger and they are not close at all.
nectarine / 2797 posts
Mine are 3.75 years apart. Number 2 is only a few weeks old but so far I do like that LO1 is quite independent and can understand correctly and was excited about the pregnancy and baby. But keeping up with her is a challenge and I know it will be a pain to never have them in the same school for long.
admin / watermelon / 14210 posts
22 months. Pros - get the hard early years over with. they are best friends
Cons - it was so expensive paying childcare for two.
pear / 1965 posts
There is 9 years between our oldest and youngest. Although our oldest is biologically not mine. From my husbands first marriage. I thought the big age gap would be tough. But its actually more beautiful and amazing than I expected. DD1 is an amazing big sister. Especially with DD2 being a crazy toddler I expected DD1 to have little patience. She doesn't. They are closer than I ever dreamed possible.
I'm pregnant now and there will be about 4 years between DD2 and the next little one.
grapefruit / 4717 posts
Mine will be a little over 4 yrs apart (4y 6w or so) when DD is born. I love it so far because DS is fully potty trained, out of his crib, can get dressed on his own, can get his own food and water from the fridge, understands what's going on. He'll be able to help me once she is here - get diapers, burp cloths, etc. We won't have to pay for 2 daycare/preschools for too long simultaneously, and we won't have to pay for 2 colleges at the same time.
cantaloupe / 6131 posts
Just had our baby Sunday - the boys are 20 months apart.
So far the cons have been being pregnant during a demanding phase of DS' life and just feeling like you're tired mommy all the time. And having two in diapers and dealing with the toddler's constant messes is annoying.
But the pros are that so far the baby hasn't affected DS emotionally. He seems too young to understand what's going on and acts like we got him a puppy. Lots of curiosity, giggles, baby petting. Newborn at this point sleeps a lot so I can try to shoot to have the baby sleep at some point between daycare pick up and bedtime so I can have some time with him.
Knock wood!
cantaloupe / 6923 posts
12 months and it is awesome!!! Now I've missed the boat for the next kids age gap and it feels like it's going to be too big of a gap!!
cantaloupe / 6791 posts
My boys are 20 months apart. The first couple of months were hard because my toddler still needed me a ton and my baby wasn't a great sleeper. BUT now at 2.5 and 9 months, its mostly great! They're starting to play with each other more and my oldest doesn't remember the baby not being here.
We want one more, but I'm trying to decide whether to go for a similar gap or more like 2-2.5 years. There's definitely pros and cons to every situation, but I'm pretty happy with ours at this point!
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