So my son has been obsessed with letters and numbers since he was about 18 months. It started when his daycare would show a phonics video regularly - they commented to me that he was super interested in it while the other kids didn't really care. We thought it was pretty cool that he was into letters so we really encouraged it and bought lots of letter puzzles and games, and continued reading to him a lot. Now at approx 28 months the obsession is kind of out of control and it's almost like he uses letters as a soothing mechanism? When he gets upset or frustrated he immediately goes to play with his letters. He constantly asks us to draw letters on his chalkboard, on scrap paper, on his back, etc. He is getting pretty good at writing letters himself. I don't mean this to sound like a humblebrag - though i'm super proud of him, googling pretty much automatically brings up Autism in conjunction with hyperlexia. Does anyone have any strories of hyperlexic kids? Should I discourage letters and numbers for play? Seeing a paediatrician for unrelated issues in a couple of weeks so I'll bring it up then, and his regular GP didn't seem concerned at his 2yo well visit, but its gotten a lot more pronounced since then.
Any thoughts?