Cobi and I have had a hell of a time with CIO. Today is night seven and I was sure that by now he would be going to sleep without crying, or AT LEAST crying less than the first night. It's still taking him 40+ minutes to fall asleep, and he is hysterical. Tonight he was all over his crib, thrashing and rolling. When I finally gave in, his whole little body was shaking with sobs and I couldn't take it anymore. I gave in and just burst into tears. I'm not strong enough for a week of this. I nursed him to sleep.

I would be totally fine with nursing him to sleep continuously, however, when I do nurse him to sleep, he wakes up an hour later and continues a sleeping/waking pattern every 15-30 minutes until past midnight when he finally conks out and sleeps til 5am, then 7am. So I get about 6, or less, hours of sleep and him only 7-8. Not enough for either of us. That's why we started sleep training.

Since sleep training once he falls asleep, he sleeps AMAZING. 8pm-4am, then nurse, then until 7:30ish am.

Do you know any alternative methods other than CIO that will help him learn to fall asleep on his own?