Warning, this could be potentially triggering for pregnant ladies. I don't mean to freak anybody out but I've been having some really morbid fears and I just need to hear some experience or encouragement.

I think I may be having some antepartum anxiety/depression. I plan to talk to my doctor about it on Tuesday and if necessary move up my psychiatrist appointment from the 20th of December to earlier so I can discuss options, but did anybody else have this in the third trimester (or really anytime, I guess).

I have been on and off of meds my whole life and was on small doses of Wellbutrin and Effexor for about a year before getting pregnant. I've been fine so far, but I'm 31 weeks tomorrow and for the past week, I have been a shaky mess.

I was diagnosed with GD last Tuesday so I don't know if it's because of that -- I've been doing too much reading about it and reading about the higher incidence of stillbirth and assuming that will happen to me. I've been trying to picture myself as the mother of an older kid and I can't so I assume that means something bad is going to happen. I'm afraid something will happen to him in labor, that he'll be blind (wtf?), that we'll get up to the last moment and something will go horribly wrong. It doesn't help that we had a friend who lost her baby at 39 weeks a few years back. It's the only person I've ever known that that's happened to, and I keep thinking, odds are the next one will be me.

I also feel this urgency to rush, a panic, a sense of dread and a sense of unease. My heart feels fast. This happens mostly in the morning. Baby keeps bopping around in there, but then my abdomen starts to ache from the stress and I start then freaking out that every minute I feel this way, I'm hurting the baby. It's a vicious cycle, I guess. I don't feel traditionally depressed at all -- sad, listless, lacking energy, unable to find joy -- but I do feel very distracted and highly emotional.

SO. Sorta normal? Totally not? Either way I will definitely mention it to the docs, but it always helps me to not feel so alone. This should be the most joyful time ever, and all I'm feeling is stuff like, "I shouldn't set up the Rock n Play yet because what if I jinx this?"

ETA I have done therapy many times in the past with many therapists, and it has never been effective for me by itself. I've also been trying to breathe and meditate and even drink chamomile tea and it's not really helping me calm down. It's not a 24/7 thing, but when it does happen, these little basic techniques don't really work for me.