My little guy (14 weeks) had a major regression in sleep starting at 12 weeks when we moved him from his basinet to crib. I think it's a combo of the 12 week growth spurt (although he's so giant, I feel like he's constantly been spurting), the move, and possibly the 4 mo sleep regression coming a little early.
Previously we were incredibly that he was sleeping 7-8 hours a night and then sleeping and nursing with me until I got up around 8. It was certainly easy to get used to that! Now his first stretch runs about 3-5 hours, and the rest of the night can be 2-3 hour stretches or another 4 hour stretch if I am lucky! And to make matters worse, I got a major kink in my neck last week which has made nursing side lying impossible.
The night before last, he did great with a 6 hour stretch, and I hoped we were trending back, but then last night he woke at 11, 2, 4, and was a smiley cooing awake boy at 6!
The odd thing is I didn't feel too horrible. I wasn't happy with each wake up but I just got up and chilled in the rocking chair while he nursed away. He's so starving, it's ridiculous! Considering he nurses so often yesterday I was thinking why wear a shirt.
Anyways, anyone want to commiserate about a crappy night?