It's so bizarre, but LO (18 weeks/13 weeks adjusted) has a solid morning nap which lasts 2 - 3 hours in his crib. He falls asleep easily within an hour or so of waking up, and can (sometimes) even self-soothe and fall asleep on his own if he wakes up during the nap. *PleasePLEASEDontLetMeJinxThisNap*
BUT, his afternoon naps are absolute crap! He always wakes up between 28 - 32 mins after being set down in his crib, and can't self soothe on his own. Why the inconsistency?! I have tested different amounts of wake times, both longer and shorter, but doesn't seem to make a difference.
Anyone else go through something similar?! I know I should just be grateful for the morning nap, and I swear I AM (I can actually get some work done!!). But by the end of the day, he is still a cranky mess and overtired because he doesn't like to nap in the afternoon!