So when I made the decision pre-LO to CD, I thought "oh yah, it will be so much less expensive".

LO is coming on her first Birthday (eeep!) and I remember the "calculations" I did before she arrived. I have zero regrets and realize CD'ing can be done for a lot less, but my "it's cheaper" excuse to CD is really not true in my case!

I figured one year of sposies would cost me just under $600. I did a very rough math calculation (over a year ago):
4 months of 10 diapers/day =$246 (22 cents a diaper)
4 months of 7/day $203 (26 cents a diaper, size up!)
4 months of 5/day $146 (26 cents a diaper, size up!)

One year of sposies cost $594.60. I don't necessarily think it's too far off.

I added up what I have
Full stash of newborn and small pre-folds and covers (I didn't end up using these, we used sposies to 3w)
12 Small Fuzzibuns
8 medium Fuzzibuns
54 (yes, 54.....) BG 4.0 Pockets

Some I purchased new, some I purchased used (see my next most recent CD post, lol) and my grand total is $870.

This includes bin, wet bags, detergent (used so far), cloth wipes, everything I could have dreamt to have needed to CD.

I left out the cost of regular wipes with sposies, but I didn't switch to cloth wipes until later, so it zero's itself out on either side (or close enough).

This doesn't include the cost of washing them, water, hydro, and my time. There is a lot of value on this, but again, something *I* wanted to do.

I have a solid stash now, and when we have another (I am 9w with our second), we still have a solid amount and I shouldn't have to buy any more, however elastic will need to be replaced, and that will be a cost if I have someone do it, or my time if I DIY.

I will keep CD'ing, but having a moment of "what am I doing?"

I suppose over more time this will flip, especially with two in dipes, but just wanted to check in and see if anyone ever feels as insane as I do.