So, let me start by saying DH and I really do love my Mom. She can be one of the most thoughtful people in the world and always means well BUT in the same token stresses us out like none of our other parents.

My Mom tends to be very selfish. She doesn't think about how her words/actions can be disrespectful. She thinks because she's my mother she can say/do whatever she wants, especially about my soon to be born baby girl. The part that is hard for me is that I'm very independent and don't "need" her like she thinks I do. Example, my husband is taking 2 weeks off work and then working home for 2 weeks when baby is born. However, my mother is insistent that "I'm taking 1 weeks to spend with my granddaughter whether you like it or not".

My DH gets upset because we have to consider how she will react/behave in everything we do. She doesn't respect our boundaries even when I clearly set them.

Anyone else have ask overbearing parent? How do you cope?