Hellobee Boards


Anyone's SO get a vasectomy? Or planning on it?

  • poll: vasectomy?
    Yes : (14 votes)
    25 %
    No : (21 votes)
    38 %
    Thinking about it : (20 votes)
    36 %
  1. Lozza

    pear / 1837 posts

    While I'm appreciative of the fact that DH is 100% on board the vasectomy train, I like to think that I'd be equally cool with finding other options if the idea made him uncomfortable. I'm pretty fervently in favor of women having the right to make decisions about their own bodies (I'd be pissed if DH tried to tell me to get on hormonal contraceptives or to get an IUD or something if I didn't want to), so I feel like DH should have the same right to say no to an option that he's not totally comfortable with.

  2. sarac

    pomelo / 5093 posts

    @mrbee: I can see why you feel that way, but consider the hell that lots of women go through to deal with hormonal birth control. And then pregnancy and giving birth! A few days of pain doesn't seem like much stacked up against that, imho.

    My husband is eager to get one when we know we're done. He's seen what I've gone through over the years, and we both hate condoms. And no way are we going to do NFP for another decade.

  3. Mrs. Superhero

    GOLD / pear / 1845 posts

    @BabyBoecksMom: We have been told (by the dr and the specialist) that it's fine unless they exert themselves too soon. And that happens a lot because it's not super painful so they think they're just fine and go back to work early or something crazy like that. So maybe your friend did too much too soon?

    A tubal could throw you into early menopause. Menopause is not pretty in my family, that was enough argument for Mr SH right there. Also his dad had one, so it seems normal to him.

  4. mrbee

    admin / wonderful grape / 20724 posts

    @sarac: I would never compare a vasectomy to what women go through! (In general, I try not to compare the plight of each gender.) I was just sharing a male perspective on vasectomies.

    It's not as cut and dried as it may seem. (Wokka wokka wokka!!!)

  5. Rescuemom10

    pear / 1965 posts

    I voted "thinking about it" just because its a ways off. DH and I talked about it and only want 2 kids. I am PG with my first but this is his second. I have a daughter who is 9 from his first marriage. So if we have two together that makes three total. We are good with that. So after the NEXT baby I have he wants to have it done and I am totally OK with that.

  6. Bao

    GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22276 posts

    We haven't really discussed it in detail since we just had our first LO and we want one or two more. However, I think he will agree since I'm the one going through pregnancy and birth, and I don't like using birth control, and it's a much more risky surgery for a female. He's a man he can handle that one

  7. sarac

    pomelo / 5093 posts

    @mrbee: Lol. Yeah, I certainly don't think of it as nothing. I'm lucky that my husband appreciates the bs I've had to deal with for us to have kids when we want them. If I'd had an easy time with it he might not be so eager to share the load.

  8. Mrs. Pen

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21616 posts

    Nope! I would never ask my husband to do that and I KNOW he never would!

  9. luckypenny

    grapefruit / 4582 posts

    DH's dad had one & he's said he'll get one when were done.

  10. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    Yep, he gad me schedule a consultation today, and he'll be scheduling the procedure on Friday after his consult. I didn 't have to push it, we had an "oops" last night and we both agree that 4 kids between the 2 of us is enough
    He's always been up to it, his bestfriend had it done last year, and he 'll be using the same dr.

  11. blackbird

    wonderful grape / 20453 posts

    @mr bee, haha, oh I get that, trust me. Nobody likes pain down there! After the woman bears numerous children, I just think it's a relatively small sacrifice in the big scheme of things

  12. Mrs Green Grass

    pomelo / 5628 posts

    My husband made his appt. a week ago (lo is months). They make him ass first. This is a guy who won't ever go through the trouble of making a doctor's appt. but he can't wait for this one.

    I'd prefer to wait awhile...just in case. But we've discussed it and are on the same page.


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