nectarine / 2648 posts
Negative FRER today at 8dp5dt. Definitely counting myself out and going to enjoy some cocktails and soft cheese this weekend.
clementine / 811 posts
@yellowbeach: I'm sorry. I hope you're able to enjoy the weekend.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
6 dpo, and this is dragging ass! I usually O on CD 12-14, so this whole CD20 ovulation is way way way late for this impatient person.
clementine / 811 posts
@Sams Mom: But at least you have a confirmed OV this cycle, so it could be worse. (The weather is nice, the customers haven't had the chance to ruin my mood yet, so it's the bright side for me at the moment...ask me again in two hours, I'll probably be back to my gloomy and sarcastic self by then.)
nectarine / 2648 posts
Well I'm officially out. Will hopefully have a plan tomorrow when we get our PGS results to know if we can try in May. Good luck ladies.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@yellowbeach: sorry you're out
Alright ladies, according to my Ovia app, I'm in my fertile window. We DTD yesterday, however dh has to go out of town today and will be gone until Wednesday night (Fertility score on Wed = 10). I'm hoping he gets home early enough and with enough energy to dtd when he gets home. I have to admit, I'm feeling a little defeated already! If we don't get pregnant this cycle, I might order the Ava watch. I don't have the energy to temp everyday lol and with our ages (and dh's crazy short patience and timeline to get pregnant) I don't want to miss our opportunity.
clementine / 973 posts
@yellowbeach: I’m sorry you are out, and I hope you get good results and a plan that’s right for you.
@jennylayneaz: I still think you have a great chance this month, don’t stress! Sperm can live for up to 5 days, so dtd yesterday and Wednesday will give you a good chance.
clementine / 973 posts
I took Femara this month CD 3-7. I’m currently CD 11 waiting to O. We have been dtd every other day since CD 7. I’m trying to take a more relaxed approach, so I won’t be taking OPK’s this cycle. I’m just going to rely on my CM and ovulation cramps and see what happens.
apricot / 422 posts
@JennyLayneAZ: my DH is out of town for one night this cycle and it looks like it will be right around O. So annoying...
apricot / 422 posts
@Jessiemuller88: I think relaxed and BD every other day sounds like a great plan !
apricot / 422 posts
@yellowbeach: I know you had lower expectations this cycle since it was mosaic but still ... I’m sorry you’re out
pomegranate / 3764 posts
Dipping toes back in, as we haven't done an IVF cycle in a while... but we had a transfer yesterday, so hoping to POAS in a week or so... or whenever I cave.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MsHangry: it's the best shift I've had in a while, hoping it's a good sign; but also scared shitless it might stick.
I've been trying for so long that sometimes I question if I still want one or I'm just too committed to quit. I don't know.
@jaguar: welcome, and fingers crossed this one is sticky!
apricot / 422 posts
@Sams Mom: I can’t answer the existential questions of your TTC, but definitely from my own experience I have also felt the spectrum of emotions about having another baby and TTC. Sometimes one or the other will predominate for a cycle but the overall feeling for me/us is to keep trying and wanting another.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@MsHangry: I'm 99% sure I want another one, but sometimes I have the existential crisis of do I want one because I want one or do I want one because I've wanted one for so long...
nectarine / 2648 posts
@Sams Mom: I definitely debate it as well. Part of me definitely can admit there are some not so healthy motivators for TTC... (getting a redo on pregnancy and hoping to make it to term and not have a scary delivery experience, trying to move on from our TFMR...) but I also want a sibling for DD and really feel like we have so much more love to give.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@yellowbeach: I feel you on so much of that. My family constantly reminds me I had a kind of shitty pregnancy, and if I'm sure I want to do it again. I want to do it again because I feel like we have a lot to give to another baby and Sam is pretty cute so why not make another/see him get to be a big brother... And kind of because maybe it will go differently this time and I won't have to have weekly BPPs for my entire 3rd trimester. Maybe I won't get gianormous... Maybe I can go into labor at least for a bit to see what it's like, because I have no idea what a contraction feels like. I know it doesn't make me less, but I still want to see. 🤷♀️
Sorry for the word vomit
clementine / 811 posts
@yellowbeach: Sorry. I hope you get a battle plan in place soon.
@jaguar: Good to have you with us! Good luck!
@Sams Mom: I think I would be partly terrified if/when I finally get my BFP. I know I want a child, more than one actually, but with the trouble we've had until now, I'd be happy with one for now, but I'm so used to the life I have now. It would be a really big step to the unknown.
clementine / 811 posts
• 4/1 - CatchAFallingStar
• 4/3 - Phillybaby2013
• 4/5 - JennyLayneAZ
• 4/11 - maybebaby
• 4/14 - MsHangry
• 4/15 - paranundrum
• 4/20 - Yellowbeach
• 4/25 - Sam's Mom
• 4/26 - CatchAFallingStar
• 5/4 - JennyLayneAZ
• TBD: mrskansas, jaguar
• No POAS date:
• Drop-In BFP:
Good luck, ladies!
Amazingly Supportive Cheerleaders:
• BhBee
• Lazb
• MrsJBeeG
• GraceandJoy
• Kaohinani (* hoping to join for the May cycle )
• BreakOutTheIceCream
nectarine / 2808 posts
@Sams Mom: oh my gosh... I can totally relate to this! It sounds odd, but TTC can kind of feel like a game. It becomes sort of addicting. The excitement leading up to ovulation, the anticipation throughout the TWW. It’s all very exciting. The lows are horrible and I’m not downplaying fertility problems, etc. I’ve been through a lot of fertility issues, so I know how incredibly painful the journey can be. But, I also completely understand what you mean. We wouldn’t be here posting if we didn’t want a baby. But, sometimes we get so wrapped up in the TTC life that we lose site of the real end goal and all that comes along with it.
persimmon / 1495 posts
@Sams Mom: @yellowbeach: I wanted to chime in about this as a lurker on the poas thread still My DH and I had a pretty rough patch when our son was very little. My DH definitely had untreated PPD that he hid well and only admitted to much later. I do think part of me wanting another is as a redo of that time.
And I wanted to add that for years (probably from the time my son was 18 months to 4 years old) - I couldn't see ever being happy as a family of 3. I was incredibly distraught about not having another. It wasn't just about the redo. I wanted my son to have a sibling and I just wanted another baby. But as we've gotten farther as a family of 3 and my son has gotten older, I've gotten more comfortable about the idea. In the last year, even though we kept trying and saw an RE, I started to come to terms with the idea of an only child. Sometimes it just takes years to get there. And even though we're very lucky that I'm 10 weeks with so far a healthy pregnancy, the month I got pregnant this time was going to be the last time we tried. I couldn't go through any more losses but I also felt like I had finally come to terms with not having another. And it was sad, but I wasn't completely devastated about the idea like I had been in the past. So I wanted to chime in as someone with a 5 1/2 year old that it does get better - this idea of having only one kiddo.
nectarine / 2690 posts
@Jessiemuller88: thanks, I do know I'm not out this cycle, I was just hoping to really get after it lol
@MsHangry: so frustrating! (Even though its not DH's fault that he had to go, but his boss booked the trip for longer than it needed to be). He has to travel again next month, but it looks like it'll be earlier, a week or so before I'm fertile.
@jaguar: Welcome back! And good luck to you!!
@Sams Mom: I worry about having another also. I want one, but I'm scared shitless of it at the same time, if that makes sense. I told DH 2 years ago that we should try before we get past the baby stage and get used to having a toddler, but it just wasn't in the cards for us then.
kiwi / 520 posts
Popping in again apparently. I thought it was a fluke due to sucky sleep but I had a 3rd day of high temps and got cross hairs on FF with an apparent O on cycle day 11. I've been doing OPKs the last few days and felt like they were getting darker so I'm not really sure what's going on. I usually don't O until like day 16. Attaching my wonky post chemical chart.
nectarine / 2177 posts
@yellowbeach: I'm so sorry to hear that
@JennyLayneAZ: good luck!
@Jessiemuller88: sounds like a good plan, fingers crossed!
@jaguar: squeeeee! so exciting, good luck!
@Phillybaby2013: oh wow, so interesting - how are you feeling about things?
i am in texas for work this week and DH happens to be here as well. we will be together tonight and fri-sun, then he is gone for another week. i am still having spotting after my second post-IUD period. i did get OPKs and don't really know when to start taking them, assuming not if i am still spotting!? not temping or anything else.
nectarine / 2808 posts
Do you ladies drink at all during the TWW. I’m drinking a glass of Pinot noir as I type this.
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@CatchAFallingStar: I don't have the opportunity often, but I have no problem having a couple drinks in my TWW. Drink until it's pink!
nectarine / 2648 posts
1 normal embryo. Let me know when we have a May 2019 board. @SamsMom and @Kaohinani I need you!
kiwi / 520 posts
@maybebaby: I'm doing ok I suppose. Even though I wanted this so much I've had some fleeting moments of self doubt about adding a 3rd child to our already crazy life. For now we're just going to carry on as planned. I did tell my parents about the loss and we had a really nice conversation about it which felt good.
I don't know what's up with this cycle but I'm sure I'm going to be a hot mess as the TWW ticks on. I also have a cold and feel crappy and tired so bonus.
For you with the OPK's unless you have a general idea of when you ovulate I'd just start with doing one once a day until you start seeing some darkening and then add an evening one on to catch your surge. I don't often get a glaring positive but I temp so I use that to coincide with the OPKs.
@CatchAFallingStar: I don't have any issue with drinking in the TWW. I would love to have a glass of wine more often but since I've been working overnights I don't have many opportunities.
clementine / 811 posts
@yellowbeach: I hope I'll do too, I set up the May board.
nectarine / 2358 posts
@yellowbeach: so sorry to hear you’re out
@paranundrum: add me as a TBD POAS date, I don’t know what my body is doing
grapefruit / 4492 posts
@yellowbeach: all the things crossed that the 1 PGS normal embie is all you need! Kaohinani should be back anytime now, I hope. I tried emailing her a couple weeks back and never heard back.
As for me, 9 dpo cramping and sore boobs. It could be early PMS, it could be nothing, and it could be 0.00000000000000000000000001% chance it's because I'm pregnant...
pomegranate / 3764 posts
Alright.. I am officially back in lunatic TWW mode.
It's 3dp5dt (8dpo) and I already peed on a stick. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME.
Please talk me off the ledge that being negative now is still leaving us with a chance? I have done this so many times before, but I am apparently insane.
nectarine / 2808 posts
@jaguar: yes!! Very rare to get a positive that early. You’re not insane. We all do it.
clementine / 811 posts
@Sams Mom: 0.00000000000000000000000001% is still better than 0%, right?
I hope Kaohinani is doing well and is back with us shortly.
nectarine / 2648 posts
@jaguar: Definitely too early, but I’d be lying if I said I’d never POAS at 3dp5dt either. Lol. It’s just always so tempting!
grapefruit / 4466 posts
@jaguar: So happy to see you back!!!! You are not insane, crossing all my fingers and toes for you Of course you stand a chance!
@CatchAFallingStar: I'm sorry If you are like me your cycle will start to move back towards normal over time (hopefully you are KU before it gets there so you won't have to wait as long to POAS again.
@Sams Mom: 9dpo is the worst, so close, hang in there!
@yellowbeach: I really hope the PGS normal is it for you!!!
grapefruit / 4144 posts
Hey, ladies!
Wishing a wonderfully enlightening and proactive National Infertility week (21st-27th) to all those on this board who are afflicted with infertility (primary OR secondary) and I hope for you to get your lucky LOs soon. Good luck to all the ladies on the board this cycle!
I'm still on hiatus from the board as I have needed to take this mental health break ... Just popping on to wish everyone a great week. NO amazing news here; in fact, my cysts have not resolved (one shrunk .02 MM and one grew .04 MM 🤦♀️) so I am on ANOTHER round of BC pills and out for yet another cycle. I "should" be back for either a late May or early June POAS if the cysts resolve without surgical intervention.
Once again, good luck , ladies!
I have been thinking of you!
- Kaohinani
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