too weird of a title? ... maybe....
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
What's up this month:
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity?
too weird of a title? ... maybe....
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle:
Ovulation Date:
POAS Date:
Baby #:
What's up this month:
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity?
pomegranate / 3032 posts
Cycle Day:
TTC Cycle: 4
Ovulation Date: 4/11-14
POAS Date: 4/26
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: House is still on the market, I'm throwing my BF a gender reveal party and baking a cake, We're still NTNP but kind of avoiding... I dont know. I'd feel better about going full force TTC if our house stuff wasnt so influx.
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity? I love that its still light out when I get home from work, we love going for walks before dinner.
pomegranate / 3438 posts
Ok, I have to admit I did have a little chuckle at the title!
Cycle Day: 7
TTC Cycle: 2
Ovulation Date: April 4th? Will know more after my scan on Friday!
POAS Date: April 18th?
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: I'm taking 5mg Femara for CD 3-7 and 125 iu of Follistim for CD 8-11. The RE upped my Follistim this month to hopefully get a better response. I go in for a scan on April 1st.
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity? BBQ's! We love to spend the weekends barbecuing in our backyard and playing outside. DS's birthday party is on Saturday and we are renting a bounce house and inviting his friends from daycare. Hopefully the weather stays nice!
kiwi / 706 posts
Great thread title!
Cycle Day: 7
TTC Cycle: 7
Ovulation Date: 4/7?
POAS Date: 4/20
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: after seeing a fertility specialist from hell (seriously, he didn't seem like a human being), I made an appointment to see another one with great reviews. Hopefully she will be able to help me!
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity? being outside finally! going for long walks with DD and the dog.
GOLD / wonderful coconut / 33402 posts
I just want to join for the title. Sadly we didn't TTC in March like planned, DH didn't want a Dec bday. So I won't be ovulating till the end of April, so not POAS still May for me.....
Good luck to everyone else!
kiwi / 625 posts
Jumping in!
Cycle Day: 10
TTC Cycle: 1 (after m/c in January)
Ovulation Date: 3/30 (?)
POAS Date: 4/10
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: Trying to stick to going to bed by 10 / get enough sleep.. I tend to overwork myself.. And REALLY trying to be more consistent with just getting a little exercise everyday..
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity? We just landscaped out backyard last year, and I have newly discovered my love for pulling weeds & yard work... Its almost meditative.
kiwi / 501 posts
I totally giggled at this title!! Love!!
Cycle Day: 1
TTC Cycle: 19 months
Ovulation Date: Medicated cycle, but if it's like last cycle, 4/10
POAS Date: Not too sure yet. Maybe 4/24 (That is the anniversary of my mom's death, it would have to be good news, right?).
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: Getting ready for my baseline scan and to discuss treatment for our next IUI. Right now, 5mg Femara CD3-7, possibly follistim, Ovidrel, IUI + TI and 400mg progesterone. This time I will be temping. I didn't last cycle and was super unsure of my O date and if we timed everything right. I will be testing out my trigger again because I like to torture myself.
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity? BBQing & going for walks with my sweet pups!
Praying for this sweet group and hoping we find our BFP!!!
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
Hahahahahaha @the title. Cheerleader here!!! Bring on the !!!
kiwi / 501 posts
@oskarsmommy: I wish I had that love!!! Pretty sure I have a black thumb!! Hehe!! That's great to find something so relaxing! I think I'm going to try and read more during my TWW! Keep me destracted!!
kiwi / 501 posts
@KT326: Sounds so fun!! DH loves to grill! It's definitely a fun weekend activity! Hoping for some great news after your apt on Fri! Lots of nice follies!
apricot / 431 posts
Hi! I want to join! Also, the title
Cycle Day: 10
TTC Cycle: 4
Ovulation Date: 4/5 I think
POAS Date: 4/16
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: I think instead of obsessively peeing on OPKS this month I will just try to BD every other day up until cd20? Who are we kidding, I will pee on all of the sticks
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity: Doing anything outside!
Good luck to everyone!
nectarine / 2466 posts
ycle Day: cd 17
TTC Cycle: 7
Ovulation Date: today
POAS Date: around the 10th
Baby #:3
What's up this month: we were ntnp
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity? Getting outside!
I wasn't going to join again this month as we have been taking a step back ( for multiple reasons.) We were NTNP, but slightly avoiding sort of. However, I O'd 4 days early so... Here I am.
Good luck this month!
cherry / 143 posts
Cycle Day: CD17 today
TTC Cycle: 4
Ovulation Date: March 31 I think
POAS Date: April 14 maybe
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: using opks but not temping
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity? Maybe walks outside. Or just getting to spend time outside in general.
Good luck everyone!
pear / 1632 posts
Love the title! I hope many April flowers get pollinated! Cheering you all on!
cherry / 178 posts
I'm not "officially" out for March yet, but seeing as I'm on cd41 with no end in sight, I'm rolling over!
Cycle Day: cd41
TTC Cycle: currently 3, soon to be 4 (cp in cycle 2)
Ovulation Date: no idea. last month was my first using opks and judging by my cycle length, I'm pretty sure I was reading them wrong!
POAS Date: I'll go with April 27 (but who knows! can you tell I'm annoyed with these long cycles?!)
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: trying to figure my cycle out. prenatals, opks, doing the deed eod, preseed, adding in acupuncture. long cycles are the pits!
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity? anything outside!! I love to run and I'm currently gearing up for my favorite race of the year in Philly
pomegranate / 3032 posts
@madger: Are you a philly native? I'm just north of the city. I'm assuming your doing the broad st run
pomegranate / 3032 posts
April POAS - Here we go....
16 - OCEAN81
18 - KT326
24 - WINNIE13
Cheerleaders: SimplyFelicity, Smurfette, JH524, Lattelove
cherry / 178 posts
@Chillybear: I'm not a native, but I lived in the city for 5ish years and we now live in Media! I am doing Broad Street!
pomegranate / 3032 posts
@madger: Close enough! I'm from jersey, went to school at Drexel and now out by Willow Grove. Thats awesome! If i was a runner broad st would definitely be on my must do list.
pear / 1955 posts
I'm joining!
Cycle Day: 26
TTC Cycle: #1!
Ovulation Date: April 2
POAS Date: April 16
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: Eeek, jumping back into TTC! Well, actually NTNP - I have long cycles (45ish days) and it took us around a year to conceive DS, so we're taking it casually until July when I'll start using OPKs again. Still, the goalie has been pulled!
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity? Does eating Easter candy count?
pear / 1852 posts
Cycle Day: 14
TTC Cycle: 7
Ovulation Date: 26th or 27th of March
POAS Date: 11th
Baby #: 2
What's up this month: Back to temping, scheduling an appt with obgyn about fertility
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity? walks in the woods
clementine / 794 posts
Cycle Day: 1
TTC Cycle: 2
Ovulation Date: TBD (Using Ovacue to pinpoint ovulation this month)
POAS Date: TBD (see above )
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: This month I will be using the Ovacue fertility monitor for the first time this month! I has great reviews online, I can't wait to try it out!
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity? Playing with this monster outside:
pomegranate / 3438 posts
@Winnie13: Thanks! Good luck to you too!
I will not be testing my trigger out this time. I drove myself crazy this last time. We have a ton of plans the next few weeks so I'm hoping to keep myself busy enough that I am not constantly thinking about it.
@madger: I love to run too! I don't get a chance to do it as much as I would like but I signed the family up for a color run in May!
kiwi / 625 posts
@Winnie13: Well, I actually think I have a black thumb too.. I have no idea what I am doing back there in my yard - but I like pulling the weeds, and my son loves to "help"
I just got back from my ob for follow up (been having very light periods after m/c) and she said my lining looks good, I have two eggs that look ready to go!
On the flip side, I went to see an endocrinologist just to check my thyroid, and he called with the results of an ultrasound, which showed 2 nodules that he wants biopsied.. He says we can wait to do it if I get my period / do not get pregnant this month.. Anyone one else experience this?
kiwi / 501 posts
@oskarsmommy: Well, most women have nodules and they don't even know about it! Most of the time it is nothing. If it is over a certain size, they want to make sure it's not cancer! It's pretty painless and they do it in house! I would highly recommend getting this done! In my case, I was the small percentage who actually had cancer! They ended up removing my thyroid all at the age of 23! The recovery was simple and easy! I'm cancer free!
kiwi / 501 posts
So, at my baseline scan, they found a big cyst! No IUI this cycle for me. I'm super disappointed, but it's just not my time! My RE put me on Birth Control and I'll have another baseline at the end of the month! Hoping the rest of you get to pollinate those flowers!!!
kiwi / 501 posts
@KT326: It does and I'm disappointed, but it will work out! I'm glad they caught it and I didn't waste an entire cycle and IUI for the life sucking cyst! Hoping you get your BFP!!
grape / 82 posts
Cycle Day: 15
TTC Cycle: 3
Ovulation Date: ummm any day now
POAS Date:im waiting until 4-20
Baby #: 1
What's up this month: trying to figure out why my cycle was SO strange in Feb/ leading into March (had AF twice) within 18 days which has never happened before. Continuing to chart and just generally trying to not stress about much as possible anyways!
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity? Graduation is upon us (I teach HS) so it is crazy this next month gearing up for thatS also planting all the flowers
olive / 52 posts
Cycle Day: cd2
TTC Cycle: 13
Ovulation Date: April 12th
POAS Date: April 24th
Baby #:1
What's up this month: EOD, OPK and pre-seed
For Fun - Favorite Spring activity? starting our garden and long drives with the windows down and radio up.
pomegranate / 3032 posts
11 - MRS. D
18 - KT326
Cheerleaders: SimplyFelicity, Smurfette, JH524, Lattelove, Winnie13
kiwi / 501 posts
@Chillybear: Totally a cheerleader!!!
Thanks for the well wishes ladies!! Hoping for lots of BFP from you all!!
@bloomingflower: Thinking of you!!! Hoping this cycle is it!!!
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