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Are there babies who actually sleep in their cribs without sleep training?

  1. heffalump

    GOLD / wonderful grape / 20289 posts

    @enjollah: My LO's room is two steps away from mine. And we always took her there anyway for a diaper change and so we can be quiet so the other person could sleep.

  2. itsmejules

    olive / 69 posts

    my LO is 13 months and is finally liking to sleep in her crib - she's gone through various phases - waking up 30 minutes after we put her in - to now sleeping through the night about 2 out of every 7 nights. When she wakes up, we bring her to our bed to breastfeed.

  3. mrs. wagon

    blogger / watermelon / 14218 posts

    @enjollah: like @artbee's daughter, RJ did better in the crib with less noises and light to disturb him. Every transition has tough moments but babies are resilient... once they get used to the crib it's tough to get them to sleep anywhere else but!!

  4. cupcakemama

    persimmon / 1465 posts

    LO is a good sleeper - was in the bassinet in our room until about 5 months and then went into the cot in the nursery. Generally naps are ok during the day. Honestly I think some babies just really like their sleep.

  5. sandy

    cantaloupe / 6687 posts

    I had my baby in a Rock and Play which is like a little inclined basinet and read all these posts that people had trouble transitioning to a crib so I freaked out and became determined to get her out of it ASAP...this was when she was about 5-6 weeks I think. She would cry when I put her in the crib but sleep for hours in the rock and play. What I ended up doing was I set her in the crib after her middle of the night feeding...I noticed this was her deepest sleep...basically she would nurse and basically be passed out afterwards...even through a diaper change so I used that opportunity to put her in the crib and fortunately she stayed asleep and was fine. After that she was fine I the crib...I guess I was just lucky but at first it seemed like it was going to be impossible.

  6. Happymama

    pea / 24 posts

    @Downward Dog: to answer your original question, you'll have to sleep train if you want your baby to transition to the crib, BUT, that does not mean you have to let them cry it out. Basically you have sleep trained your baby already to create the situation that you have. So to change the sleep situation to something new, you'll need to train them to sleep in a new way/place. Here's a few suggestions: create a nap time routine (here's mine: diaper change, short book, darken the room, sound machine on, bathroom fan on, swaddle, start singing ni-ni song while holding baby, walk slow/bouncy laps around room/bathroom until baby doses off, lay baby in crib letting feet touch first then body then head, slowly remove your hands. If baby's asleep then quietly leave the room, if not, I turn on her glow seahorse, then leave the room. Note the time.) More suggestions: read: "healthy sleep habits, happy child" and "on becoming baby wise". Visit website, "the sleep site", she offers free steps to help your baby sleep better and a free newsletter with helpful hints and you can pay for a sleep schedule and email/phone guidance from a sleep expert. More suggestions: note what time your baby wakes up in the morning and after every nap, under 6months, they shouldn't be up for more than 2 hours. Start nap routine 20-30 mins before maximum "up" time. All these steps are sleep cues that I've taught my baby. Your baby will take some time to understand the new routine but will learn very quickly! I would also recommend following a wake, feed, activity, sleep schedule. Here's one more thing which probably sounds pretty silly but works for me!! Anytime I'm in sleep routine mode I say to myself in my head, "I'm the best mommy, I know what's best for my baby, I'm calm, she's so easy, she's gonna sleep for two hours, I can do this, I'm so good at this......" over and over. And as I lay her down, I say in my head "sleep for two hours, I love you you super sleeper!" What a crazy mom I am, I know!! I hope this helps. I know how hard it is to wonder if your doing the right thing and what IS the right thing. Babies are hard, but you're doing a great job because you cared enough to ask the question! I'd love to know how it goes....good luck!

  7. Happymama

    pea / 24 posts

    @Downward Dog: Just thought of something else.... Another mommy posted about starting the transition in the middle of the night, this is a great idea! My baby had always done daytime sleep in her crib and night sleep in co-sleeper next to our bed. At about 4-5 weeks I started putting her to back to bed in her crib after a middle of the night feeding and by 5-6weeks I stopped using the co-sleeper altogether. By 6 weeks she was sleeping 12hours straight w/ no feedings. (at 4 months she started waking up for 1-2 night feedings! Little stinker! But that's babies for ya!) Another tip, put your baby to bed in a 1size larger diaper so you might not even have to change him during the night feeding. If you must change the diaper, do it as soon as he wakes or between sides and when you're on your way back to his crib try to get a burp out of before you lay him down.

  8. Happymama

    pea / 24 posts

    @Downward Dog: The website I mentioned above is actually called "baby sleep site". Sorry.

  9. daniellemybelle

    cantaloupe / 6669 posts

    Maybe I missed it on this thread, but did any of you try doing naps in the crib from the get-go, even if you keep LO in your room during the night, to try to get them used to sleeping in the crib? I've heard that can help the transition...

  10. BabyBoecksMom

    GOLD / papaya / 10166 posts

    We've been really lucky and our LO has slept (night and naps) in her crib from the first week.

  11. purrpletulips

    pomegranate / 3414 posts

    LO has slept in her crib at night since day1 at home. I wasn't allowed up and down steps for two weeks after delivery so during that time she slept in the pack-n-play. We've had no problems.


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