DH and I live in the same city as both sets of parents, my sister, and most of his siblings (he's from a big family).

My family is small, and making plans with them is relatively easy since my mom and I work similar hours, and my dad is retired.

However, it's nearly impossible for us to make most events with DH's family. Our LO will be the seventh grandchild on his side, and both of his sisters are SAHMs. Everything from birthday parties to Easter egg coloring to meeting up for a movie is done in the early-mid afternoon hours on weekdays. DH and I both work full-time, and aren't both home until dinner.

When we've expressed grief over the scheduling of family events, they say we will understand once we have LO. However, with the exception of my maternity leave, DH and I will still maintain careers outside of the home, so it won't change our availability. Do any of you deal with scheduling troubles in your extended family? Do you think it would be rude to expect some flexibility so our daughter isn't always left out?