I dated a guy for a long time who is not Jewish. When we started getting serious, I told him I wanted to raise my kids Jewish and he said that was fine. But after more years of dating I realized he had no interest in my religion and I knew when the kids got older and started asking questions, he wouldn't know the answers, and it would seem like our religion isn't important. And the kids would say, "but daddy isn't going to go to services, why do I have to? I didn't break up with him because of that (it was because he's a huge liar) but I quickly decided the man I marry would be Jewish so I wouldn't have to worry about any of that.

I have nothing against interfaith marriages. My BIL and SIL aren't Jewish, but they've embraced our religion so it seems to be pretty easy for them. My SIL even takes Hebrew classes with my mom. She's not going to give up her religion, mainly for the holidays. But my brother enjoys celebrating Christmas, Easter, etc. so it works for them.... even though I know that could never work for me.