My LO has a boatload of hair, but did lose probably half of what she had when she was born.

Naturally, when we are out and about, her hair is a discussion topic.

I was at Carters, and there were two ladies at the checkout and the one who was helping fold asked me if I was going to train LOs hair.

I was like....what?

I have a lot of hair and have to wash every day otherwise I am a grease ball, this lady who asked the question also had lots and her hair looked AMAZING and she said she was on day four not washing it. The other cashier and I were in awe. She said she used to be a hair stylist and it took about 8 years to train her hair to not need to be washed. She said I should look into it for LO and perhaps train her hair.

I wont lie, I probably wont train her hair, but I was sort of intrigued. Anyone ever done this, or think this is doable?