DD has been waking up kicking and screaming. We thought it was a nightmare but last night her eyes were open and she was still kicking and screaming. She was inconsolable for about 20 minutes. I think it's night terrors. It's just so weird to think that she is not awake and she won't remember it in the morning.
She is kicking so hard that I'm afraid she's going have bruises on her heels of her feet.
I did pick her up (which I read can make things worse).
We did just transition to the toddler beds so I'm sure this is part of adjustment to change. Though, she before we converted to the toddler beds she would do this, too. Instead she would kick my ribs while we let her sleep in her bed.
Twins just turned 2, yesterday.
Oh, since the twins sleep in the same room, I'm afraid she'll wake her brother. Two awake toddlers makes for a long night.