The two XT strollers with the mesh in the hood are the ones I am lusting after. I tried the original in a store some time ago when it cost under $279, now it's $339. Does anyone own one of these strollers yet? Looking for some reviews.

The Armadillo XT yellow w/ the black stripe in the hood is a forward facing stroller that weighs only 18 lbs and can be made into a travel system for parent-facing. If I picked this one I would need: Stroller ($399) + Carseat Adapter + Infant Carseat + Base + 2 Convertible Carseats.

The Armadillo Flip XT teal w/ teal seat cushion is a reversible seat stroller that weighs only 22 lbs. Although this can be a travel system or use a bassinet with a full recline seat for an infant you wouldn't need the attachments. If I picked this one I would need: Stroller ($599) + 2 Convertible Carseats.

I'm hoping to only buy one stroller and these are lightweight enough that may actually work, right? None of the strollers have bumper bars or snack trays, is that a big deal when LOs become bigger? Which would you choose? Which is the better buy, taking into the account the old addage "don't wake a sleeping baby"?