In the swaddle and swing days, my son had great naps. Cue in 4 month birthday, cue in weaning swaddle and swing, cue in 30 minute naps. I've tried everything, including all of the tips in HSHC, nap routine, nap training, scheduling naps, going by sleepy cues, going by the clock, and he just won't nap for more than 30 minutes (unless in the car). He's a decent night sleeper (most nights just gets up once). I think I'm just giving up on the hope that my son will be a good napper. He starts daycare next week and I'm sure it'll only get worse.

He just turned 5 months - people talk about how their kids reduce to 2 naps at 6 months. Um, mine still takes at least 4 a day because they are 30 minutes. Sigh.