pomelo / 5129 posts
Well, I *thought* my temp this morning was pointing to a confirmed O on Tuesday...but now I have copious EWCM. And I'm not exaggerating using the word "copious".
Darn you DH for coming home late last night and having to work tonight! Now I'm feeling like we should keep up EOD.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
CD: 4
Cycle #: #9 since starting TTC, but #4 since my cycles regulated themselves post-weaning.
TTC #: 2
POAS Date: 08/27
Backstory: Endometriosis. Took 13 cycles and surgical intervention to conceive DD. Had an HSG in December that showed one good, open tube - thought we'd get KU easily. CP in April (my first good cycle post-weaning) and nada since then. Throwing the kitchen sink at this cycle, and then going back to the doctor in September.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
Cycle #: Started trying last October, but have missed a good 3 months due to traveling for work. So, this will be cycle 8 of well timed ttc.
TTC #: 1
POAS date: 8/28
Backstory (if you want): I guess I gave a bit of backstory on the cycle # section, but I have a short luetal phase. My obgyn gave me a blood progesterone test that showed low numbers, but she basically told me to piss off and see an RE since it confirmed ovulation. We're both 27, and healthy so I know we have to wait the full year before seeing an RE. I do have an apt with another OBGYN in the practice next week actually to discuss the test results. It's kind of sad I have to make an appointment to discuss test results for a test I took in May. Yeah, office has been booked since then. I may cancel it, and just go see an RE first of the year if I'm not pregnant by then. We still are well within the "it can take up to one year," so I'm not freaking out yet. We're having sex, using opks, and trying to stay healthy. We're continuously working on cleaning up our diets, and I love to exercise already. This month, I'm going to take my prenatals, vitamin b complex (for short lp), and drink more water to increase cm.
apricot / 287 posts
@MrsMcD: good luck on the clomid, I hope you have few side effects. I agree, I'm trusting my doctor, and we will see what comes of it, I have one more cycle left on my perscription, and then may give it a few months without and then go back. I live in Canada, and so my OBGYN is free and the clomid is covered, moving on to an RE would be money straight out of our pockets, I'm hesitate to go, as it seems to take us 7-8 cycles to get pregnant, and I have gotten pregnant twice. I think (I don't even want to mention it but...) if we had another miscarriage, I would do more extensive testing, which i think will be covered as it wouldn't be through the RE yet. Are you seeing an RE for the clomid?
apricot / 287 posts
@dc yoga bee: We are doing the same thing, trying to keep healthy, eat healthy, cut back our alcohol a bit and exercise more. fingers crossed, but even if not lucky this month, at least we will feel good about being healthy and good to our bodies, right?
cherry / 245 posts
Cycle #: it's complicated (just like Facebook see below)
TTC #:1
POAS date: 8/28
Backstory (if you want): Started TTC July 2013 Gotten pregnant twice but both resulted in missed miscarriages.
In honor of the Most Super "Moon Moon" month, post a Moon Moon meme/photo! If you don't know Moon Moon, just Google it and you'll find lots of goodies!
bananas / 9229 posts
Last day of July but here we go!:
New August BFPs
Aug 05: Crystal
Aug 07: LilyoftheWest
Aug 11: KelLeeLeee, MaryM
Aug 13: Mrsk
Aug 17: LindsayInNY
Aug 23: MrsMcD
Aug 24: GoGoSnoGirl
Aug 26: Marfi
Aug 27: septca
Aug 28: dc yoga bee, Kate6214
TBD: Shutterbug; lazypanda, MamaCate
nectarine / 2192 posts
Joining in...
Cycle #: 17. Ugh!
TTC #: 1
POAS date: none- they stress me out. I am trying to be one of those, "oh, I'm late, let's POAS," kind of gals.
Backstory (if you want): My IUD was removed 5/2013. For almost the first year, DH worked 1.5 hours away, and timing was pretty good, but could have been better. CD3 labs and SA normal. I did 3 months of progesterone for a borderline LP with nothing. I have been under a ton of stress, but recently left my old job and took a summer vacation break. I start the new, lower stress, more flexible, more family friendly job in a few weeks. I started acupuncture last month and had only a 20 day cycle- I think my first anovulatory cycle ever. The acupuncturist said one of the three meridians that is important in fertility was off, and that is now fixed. She says that would not make pregnancy impossible, but much more difficult. DH says he feels a more positive energy coming from my uterus. I so hope that isn't just crazy talk.
Plan for this month: BD when we want to, and try to keep my stress level as low as possible. I am visiting friends without DH for a week starting CD16. I usually O CD15. Continue acupuncture. If I get pregnant this month, the conference I want to go to in May is dicey. I am trying to NTNP and know that either I'll get a BFP, or I won't be due the week of the conference. Silver linings.
blogger / apricot / 427 posts
CD: 23, 3DPO (supposedly)
Cycle #: 11
TTC #: 2
POAS date: TBD
Backstory (if you want): Been trying for #2 since last August. Still BFing my son, which I'm sure has something to do with it. Had a miscarriage at 7w, 3w ago. Not sure if I O'd this month, although I did get a "pretty" positive OPK. Not temping this month and generally trying to stay as little involved as I can be, because I'm just not ready yet to jump heavily into things.
Seeing a new Dr for infertility on 8/19.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@LindsayInNY: ooh I forgot my poas date. Can you put me down for 8/12? Thanks!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
There are several people who were on the TTC boards with me when we started TTC #2 that are about to give birth... Le sigh.
My best friend, who has a DD the same age as mine, told me yesterday that she is pregnant. Wasn't even trying. Double le sigh.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@septca: Ouch. I'm sorry. I hope August is it for you. I have a good feeling about this month
bananas / 9229 posts
@septca: Oh, trust me, I know that feeling... I've been trying long enough for #1 that I'm seeing some of the original people talk about #2.
nectarine / 2527 posts
Good luck ladies I can't wait to see wait this month brings.
Even though I'm not TTC here's my moon moon meme
grapefruit / 4028 posts
Today is the date of my EDD for the miscarriage.
I woke up feeling ok, but now I just want to cry.
Like at @septca said, so many of the women I first started the POAS threads with are showing off their newborns or are on delivery watch. It's just so heartbreaking and unfair.
DH and I are going on a date day, so hopefully that keeps my mind off things.
I'm just so sad. Here I am, all these months later, and no pregnancy on the horizon, punctuated by a BFN this morning. Meh.
Sorry to be a Debbie downer.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@Crystal: Oh friend. No words can be said to make you feel better, but know that we're here for you. I am so so sorry. It's just not fair. ((hugs)).
nectarine / 2834 posts
@Crystal: I'm sorry. I hope you do something special for yourself.@septca: I'm the same way. People who were just thinking of starting TTC when I had my first miscarriage are ready to pop. It is a sad reminder at just how long we've been at this. Also I just realized it's very doubtful that I will even be pregnant by my due date for m/c #1. Lovely.
Good news for me today -- AF showed up! Only 4w 1d after my D&C, so I'm just happy it feels like i'm on the other side of the miscarriage in a way...not still in the thick of it.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@septca: @dc yoga bee: @Tidybee: thanks, friends. I knew you all would understand just how hard this ttc process is.
Poor DH just woke up to an inconsolable wife. He was very sweet, and I have it back under control now.
@Tidybee: that's great! (I know that's the wrong sentiment, but I hope you know what I mean). Being in the middle of it is so hard. How long do you need to wait before you can try again?
nectarine / 2834 posts
@Crystal: you're gonna have those moments throughout today. It's a tough day but it will pass just as the other ones do. Hang in there. Go out to dinner or something! Sushi and wine!
Doctor said to wait 2 cycles. I'm still confused as to whether that means starting now wait 2 more cycles or this is the end of the first cycle and I only have to wait for one more period. I got pregnant on the first cycle we could try again last time (after 2 periods), and my lining was fine so we will probably just go for that again which will be sometime in late sept.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@Tidybee: good luck!
DH and I are headed to the beach today, I think. He's leaving it up to me with whatever feels right. ️ Him.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@Crystal: ((hugs)) today, friend!
CD: 13
Cycle #: 20
TTC #: 1
POAS date: TBD
Backstory: Trying since December 2012 for #1. Normal SA, normal HSG. Taking the slooooow, laid back approach to TTC. Not sure what I/we want our "next steps" to be...
PS - what is Moon Moon...?
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Crystal: I vote go to the beach. Fresh salty air always clears my head and calms me. Its so nice out here right now. I'm so sorry for how you are feeling today. You are in my thoughts.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MrsMcD: stuck in traffic on the way there now! I'm trying to convince DH to get me some new rainbows.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@Crystal: so sorry to hear about your rough day. My due date was in May and it was just a hard day. I am so glad you are doing things to take care of yourself and I will be thinking of you and DH today!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@Crystal: I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time. Big hugs! We are all here for you!
CD12 here. I had acupuncture this afternoon. I'm walking the NTNP/TTC line. I skipped the conceive plus but did lie down afterwards and used my menstrual cup. Cheater!
apricot / 278 posts
Fresh start…not happy to be here again…but I am lucky to have you ladies!!
CD: 2
Cycle #: 8 officially…but really like 11
TTC #: 1
POAS date: 8/30
Backstory (if you want): DH & I decided to ttc almost a year ago. I was very naive and thought I could choose the month I would have a baby…little did I know, it's not that easy. Hubby and I purchased our first home in December so that's where our ttc delay comes into play. We basically gutted our entire house and re-did everything. It's still a working progress…but we have come a long way! In April I became frustrated and decided to go the obgyn to get some answers. They sent me for bloodwork, u/s, hsg and DH went to the urologist and they sent him for sa and bloodwork. All came back basically NORMAL except my prolactin was a little high and his sperm motility came back slightly (like super slight) low. The obgyn basically told me there was nothing more she can do and referred me to a RE. I then found out that my health insurance is basically crap and there's no way my insurance would cover any of that. So now, we are in the process of changing our health insurance from his job to mine. It will cost more but not in the long run. This past cycle I tried using the "NTNP" approach but that obvi didn't work so I am going to temp and use OPK's this month. I kind of think that I O'ed a bit later this cycle and we missed it. UGH.
I go to the obgyn this week for my annual pap (a different MD in the practice from April bc they were too booked for me to see MY MD) so idk if I should talk to her about how I'm trying to switch my health insurance plans and see if she will write me a script for clomid. I don't want to be one of those patients who requests thing from a doc bc it's their job to "diagnose" and "prescribe" you what THEY think and not what YOU think. So I want to be careful how I approach it. The other obgyn who I saw originally said that most women either chose Clomid or see the RE and she said "most choose to see the RE first" and then when I went to see her for my followup she instantly referred me to the RE. UGH. I'm afraid to try clomid (if they even prescribe it to me!) but at this point, I REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY want a baby! Thoughts?
GOLD / pomegranate / 3938 posts
@Crystal: How exciting! What beach? And you should definitely get the sandals. Funny you mention them because I got some for DH as part of his birthday present. Have fun tonight!!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@Crystal: sending you big hugs on this difficult day!
Thinking of you all and wishing you a bounty of BFPs and joy!
cherry / 133 posts
@nicole112: Every doctor is different, but most do not mind having a patient inquire about pharmaceutical intervention. My OB suggested the opposite of yours...Clomid first, then and only if that doesn't work, do they recommend seeing an RE.
If I am not successful conceiving this month (I will POAS this weekend), then I will be starting Clomid for the first time during my next cycle. I understand your apprehension. It's good to have a healthy fear for introducing a pharmaceutical to your body. However, I try to keep in mind that so many women have success using Clomid!
Best of luck to you this month!
pear / 1697 posts
On my flight home from my vacation in WY. I was there for combination vacation/continuing education seminar.
One of the talks that I went to was an RE presenting on what OB/GYNS, FNPs, and CNMs can do expedite infertility workups and basic fertility services they can and should offer before referring to an RE.
It was very informative, but, also pretty frustrating. It was pretty clear that she would suggest doing more to treat a patient like me several cycles ago. Argh. I do love the way Kaiser has everything integrated amongst your care providers and specialist services are just down the hall...but...waiting until I am at the right spot in their super inflexible protocol flow chart is really frustrating.
A few things from the talk that were surprising:
- their fertility clinic doesn't do (or even look at outside results of) CD3/7DPO bloodwork. It is easier, more cost effective, and more reliable to determine if ovulation is occurring by other means.
- they don't do monitoring for clomid if they're doing it to induce ovulation in someone who doesn't do it on their own, or for women 30+ who are on only 50mg for superovulation.
nectarine / 2192 posts
@lilyofthewest: Thanks for an informative post. Kaiser is great for cost effectiveness, which is helpful for when IF isn't covered. What does superovulation? I am in my 30s and O on my own- are you saying they would just put me on 50mg and not monitor? Did they say anything about femara or monitoring for femara? I like that it doesn't have the same risk of twins. Anything else that they said we might want to know? Is there an easy way to post more information?
pear / 1697 posts
@AmeliaBedilia: Superovulation means attempting to induce "sronger" and/or multiple ovulation.
In younger women who ovulate on their own, there's a much higher risk of superovulation induction resulting in multiple pregnancies (hence the need for monitoring so natural or IUI cycles can be canceled if there appear to be too many mature follicles).
Older women produce fewer mature follicles even when stimulated. And of those mature follicles there are fewer good quality eggs. So, there's less risk of superovulation resulting in multiples.
She didn't talk much about letrazole/femara. The two things she did mention were
- clomid shouldn't really result in a substantial risk of multiples either if it is used responsibly/appropriately.
- She was concerned that some research indicated a potential for letrazole babies to have a higher rate of birth defects.
I don't want to plagarize her talk, but, once I'm home I'll look over the slides and see if there are any other good gems/take-away messages that bear sharing.
pear / 1697 posts
Thought of one other good bit from that talk: Her practice doesn't recommend using OPKs because they've seen too many people wait on the OPK to turn positive to start BDing. And that often that leads to people missing most or all of the fertile window.
I'm using OPKs to help determine when I can stop BDing, not when I should start!
apricot / 278 posts
@Bigskygirl: thanks girl. It's kind of annoying how every doctor is different!! And you're totally right. I do want to bring it up and I know I will somehow bring it up. It's just so...hfiensmekskaks ugh lol.
I'm posting a pic of my bloodwork results...I'm kind of thinking things aren't as normal as they should be...what do you think?
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