pomelo / 5129 posts
@lilyofthewest: I work just a few metro stops from you Good luck with waiting for the FRERs (and your next test)!!
I am currently 5 dpo and getting anxious for next monday. I usually have a long/incrimental temp rise post O, but it shot up this month. I'm hoping that means my progesterone is better than usual and am crossing my fingers. DH and I only hit O-1 and O-3, but it only takes one time, right?
bananas / 9229 posts
@organicmama: I don't mean that you didn't ever O, just that maybe your body geared up with the +OPK but then didn't O until later? Gotta love confusing cycles...
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@lilyofthewest: that looks positive to me! Congrats! Looking forward to seeing you confirm with a frer!
@septca: exciting news on the house! Hoping this is your month!
pomelo / 5129 posts
@organicmama: I feel similarly, house-wise. I bought the house before we were married, so I know DH isn't as tied to it. And when I bought it I got something large enough to grow with. We could "make" room for a child, but even with just DH and I it's feeling tight. But I Love the location now and we have neighbors who mow our lawn and help shovel snow. Why would I want to move? lol
We're *supposed* to be dong upgrades, but you'd have to ask my DH when the hell that's going to happen. I packed up our kitchen two months ago so we could start the remodel. He was supposed to hire a contractor. Nothing's happened. Grrr...
@Crystal: Good luck with the doctor today!!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
As for me, I am 7dpo and have had really sore nipples the past few days. I know it is really early so I am trying not to think about it too much. Heading to the OB for my annual/chat about why I am not KU yet and then we will see what happens from there.
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@MamaCate: Good luck!
My "what the hell?!" appt is Friday. We will have to keep each other posted!
pear / 1697 posts
@organicmama: Yeah, that whole situation is puzzling. If I got a second phone call about neg hcg I would want to stab someone though the phone, argh! I think the most likely scenario is that you geared up to O (and maybe even got some pain/cramping from enlarged follicles) but then it didn't quite launch until a few days later. If you didn't O at all I would expect your cycle to be longer....anovulatory cycles are usually super short (<23 days) or at least 35 days.
cherry / 230 posts
@lindsayinny: @lilyofthewest: yeah I think most likely it just hung out longer than I thought it would before it released. So all that means is MORE BDing! Yippeeee!! Lol!
Small confession: sometimes after too much BDing, I get an imbalance down there which requires a Diflucan pill. Not enjoyable. Not one bit. Hoping my girl parts can keep the peace this cycle!
cherry / 133 posts
I have been stalking and cheering, but have not joined up with this board yet...but here I am, hoping for some listening ears. While I wind down another unsuccessful cycle and build up hope for the next, I thought I would share a moment of frustration and weakness.
Before trying to conceive, I never imagined that there would be a time that I would anxiously await the arrival of AF. But now, here I sit with all of the tell tale signs that AF is on her way...spotting, moody, etc...but she is taking her sweet time to arrive. To make matters even MORE frustrating, my BBT is still very high (well above coverline). After it appeared that AF was on her way this weekend (at 11dpo), my husband and I decided to take my physicians suggestion and start Clomid this month. Now, AF hasn't come and all I can do is continue to symptom spot for pregnancy. I'm going crazy from one moment to the next (and I KNOW it). Wish AF would just come so I can get on with the next cycle....Ugh, trying to conceive is such a mind game!
FYI: I had negative pregnancy tests on 10dpo and 11dpo. I started spotting on the afternoon of 11dpo. AF is due today, or tomorrow at the latest. I would normally not be so anxious for AF to arrive, but it would be great to be able to POAS again in August....here's hoping.
cantaloupe / 6634 posts
@lilyofthewest: Oh. My. Freaking. Goodness. I am so happy for you!!! Congratulations! Maybe you found the lucky TTC sign!?
cherry / 133 posts
@LindsayInNY: Sorry, I should have mentioned that I had neg tests on 10 and 11dpo, then started spotting on the evening of 11dpo, which is a normal pre-AF symptom for me. I did not test this morning on 12dpo.
I edited my statment above to reflect these POAS days.
pear / 1697 posts
@organicmama: I have the same confession. Aside from wanting this pregnancy to work out for all usual and unselfish reasons, I am also looking forward to less semen in my vagina hopefully pulling me away from always being on the brink of a yeast infection.
pear / 1697 posts
I couldn't wait for the FRERs to come via UPS tomorrow. So, I broke out a digital I already had in the cabinet even though I know they're typically less sensitive and I was afraid I'd see a
. Nope!
nectarine / 2192 posts
The last two days have been a little crazy. We had a wedding yesterday, and then I got a migraine on the four hour ride home. My migraines are usually controlled, except this is the third time I have gotten one two days after acupuncture. I think this means no more acupuncture, which is discouraging since it supposedly helps fertility so much. The drive home was miserable, we got in about 1am, and then I had a miserable night. The migraine and vomiting is better now, but I don't feel well. I have a trip to NY tomorrow (friends and fun), so I was planning on getting some stuff done today. I don't know how that will go.
On a funnier note: DH got pulled over on the way home. I looked pretty pitiful, and DH thought really quickly. He told the cop that I had been vomiting (true), and the cop assumed I was pregnant, and was super nice and let us off with a warning.
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@Bigskygirl: I just wanted to commiserate-- I had spotting last month for like 36 hours on and off before AF actually arrived. It was not normal for me and it was so frustrating just feelik like I wanted to move on but couldn't. For better or worse, I had my "oh poor me" day early while still spotting so I didn't have to deal with the annoyance of AF plus a pity party. Limbo sucks! Hugs!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@lilyofthewest: OMG, congratulations! Please dish the details: what number cycle was this, did you do anything different, what timing.
persimmon / 1388 posts
@lilyofthewest: Congrats!
@AmeliaBedilia: Ugh, I feel you, migraines are so crappy! I hope you feel better soon!
@LindsayInNY: I see you had your IUI on Saturday...eep! I've got my fingers, toes, and everything else crossed that this is it for you! xo
cherry / 133 posts
@MamaCate: Thanks for listening to my pity party.
Really, I should try to relax and feel a little more blessed that my doctor suggested an intervention so early in my journey of TTC. Here's hoping for a successful month 5....whenever CD1 feels like rolling around
pomegranate / 3658 posts
@lilyofthewest: Congratulations!! Looking forward to seeing you on the April board!
pear / 1697 posts
This was cycle 7. Timing was O-2, O-1, O, O+1
In terms of things that I really did differently for the very first time this cycle:
- fertile week vacation
- sex at high altitude (I doubt that's a thing, but, it sure was tough to do, so, I'm claiming credit for it!)
- Probably also not a thing, but, long flight around likely implantation
- Much healthier diet and much more physical activity than is typical for me right around O and in the first week after
- Switched from Preseed to Conceive+Plus
- Took superstitious photos with the Gros Ventre sign.
Stuff that I'd been doing for 1-3 cycles prior but that isn't supposed to work instantly, so, could've had a cumulative effect over time.
- fertility yoga
- Circle&Bloom guided meditations (though I always fell asleep within the first 5 minutes of them, so, hard to see what benefit they could've had)
- Taking vitex, coQ10, a probiotic, and a multiB-50
- Weekly acupuncture
Stuff I'd been doing since first starting TTC
-BBT, OPKs, some form of sperm-friendly lube, using menstrual cups after BD and/or asking sweetie to provide a sample if sex was just not going to happen that day.
pear / 1697 posts
@PawPrints: @doxielove: @AmeliaBedilia: @simplyfelicity: @Bigskygirl: @MamaCate: @MaryM: @septca: @LITTLEK: @DC YOGA BEE: @CTEGGE0416: @CRYSTAL: @ORGANICMAMA:
Many thanks for all the congrats & well-wishes!
Is it weird that I am incredibly nervous to tell my acupuncturist when I go for my appt this afternoon? She'll be the first "real" person I tell besides Sweetie.
grapefruit / 4770 posts
@lilyofthewest: Eep!! I'm so excited for you! It was the sign!!!
honeydew / 7295 posts
@lilyofthewest: ahhhhhh I am so happy for you darling!! An I love that you have that photo from WY as a sweet memory of your BFP! I'm sending you the stickiest baby dust and wishing you a happy health pregnancy!!!!
Now more! More!
grapefruit / 4028 posts
@lilyofthewest: That's clear as day! Congrats! And that sign will be a perfect announcement in a few weeks!
@Bigskygirl: Do you have long cycles? Are you joining us on our board? I do hate when AF takes her sweet time to appear, especially when we know she is on her way.
@AmeliaBedilia: You poor thing, that sounds awful. Lucky your DH got out of a ticket! Can you mention the migraines to your acupuncturist?
Well, I just started spotting, giving me a 12 day LP, which is my shortest one yet. Still well within the normal range, but this was a weird cycle for me over all.
Blah. Bring on the wine and ice cream.
pomelo / 5129 posts
@lilyofthewest: Congratulations!!! Now we'll all be booking tickets to go see that sign!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@Crystal: This acupuncturist knew about my migraines with acupuncture previously, and was going more slowly than she usually does. She did a big "girly fertility" one 3 days ago since I was supposed to O today.
I don't know if my migraine would affect O. I have been temping intermittently, but temping this morning was the last thing on my mind. I have to get up crazy early tomorrow, so temping won't help then.
We are definitely more TTC than NTNP. I took some of my leftover metformin for a couple days. I usually O CD15, and we hit CD7-9, AM and PM of CD12, and CD14. We will probably get once more tonight. So hoping this is it and we can put TTC behind us!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
Hi friends, I am at the OB waiting in the super packed waiting room and hoping I make it through in time to make it to my next work appt after this.
@Crystal: I like changing the name to the "what the hell?" Appt! I will definitely let you all know how it goes!
nectarine / 2192 posts
@lilyofthewest: Thanks for an AWESOME low down of what you did to get your BFP. I am so happy for you!
nectarine / 2465 posts
@lilyofthewest: woohoo! Congrats! Looks like vacay BD'ing worked for you!!
kiwi / 636 posts
@MamaCate: @Crystal: over on the IF board, we call those appts the WTF appt. for instance, I have a WTF/IVF consult in 2 weeks as I have been under the care of my RE for 8 months now.
@lilyofthewest: congrats! That's an awesome digital confirmation!
@MamaCate: I hope the OB has answers for you!
pomegranate / 3595 posts
@lazypanda: how is this for WTF: waited an hour, was called right before I had to leave, got checked in, went to my 1:30, then came back. OB was understanding, recommended blood work to check hormone levels and maybe a hsg in a few months. She stated she thought we would be able to get pregnant on our own but it was just taking longer due to age etc. hoping she is right!
Waiting for the blood draw now before running back to work for one more appt...
pear / 1558 posts
@septca: thanks for your note (& page, I hadn't gotten around to updating this board :-)). I will wall you soon to ask some more questions, as I'm gathering several as I read & process this info.
@organicmama: yes, there is the positive of knowing wth is keeping us from getting pregnant! Thanks, friend.
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