Hellobee Boards


August TTC 6+ Months - The Most Super "Moon Moon" Month!

  1. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @KelLeeLeee: Yeah. I'm pretty much the same. Or I figure that any twinge is probably just gas (but I did have lingering ovary pain for a few days)

    We only had "good" not high timing this month (according to FF), but I'm still somewhat hopeful. I feel like I had higher quality CM than usual. And my temperature shot up a lot quicker post-O, so I'm hopeful my progesterone is higher.

  2. busylizzy111

    cherry / 144 posts

    @organicmama: yay, cycle buddy! I like that

  3. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @organicmama: Ugh, I am so sorry. Your DH needs to realize he isn't the only one who is dealing with change and not complain so much. I am sure he isn't trying to insult or insinuate anything to you, though. Can you talk to him about how his comments are making you feel? Maybe he doesn't realize how he is coming across.

    @busylizzy111: Welcome! I hope your stay here is short! How do you and DH make that work? That would be so hard!

    A friend inspired me to calculate up how much I have spent on fertility aids just this year alone.

    I am about $250 in on sperm friendly lube, HPTs, OPKs, and Vitamins. I have peed on about 100 ovulation strips and 50 cheapie HPTs.

  4. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    AF officially started. Womp womp. I knew it was coming, but I still feel blah.

  5. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @Crystal: bummer! Sorry to hear it! Be good to yourself!

  6. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    Well it feels like a week of false starts over here! My doctor appt go and wait and leave and come back yesterday and then I was supposed to testify tips afternoon. I got all prepped and dressed up and went down to court, only to wait wait and then be rescheduled for September! Sigh!

    Hoping that all these silly things are distracting me for a real positive start next week!

    Just needed to vent!

  7. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @Crystal: Sorry!!

  8. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @MamaCate: @KelLeeLeee: thanks, friends. I'm hoping to have a blah night on the couch. And will likely consume ice cream for dinner.

    @MamaCate: ugh! That's so annoying!!! I hope it didn't take up too much of your day.

  9. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    I've been traveling, so got a little behind, and now it's so hard because the darn computer only lets you reply to the current page- sorry if I missed you!

    @nicole112: I totally get the giving up attitude. I still really want a baby but hate TTC! I have given up so much in the "maybe I'l be pregnant." I finally decided to try this month (though didn't use conceive plus each time) and if my conference conflicts, I'll figure it out. While this is super important, I hate TTC and will do almost anything to put it behind us.

    @Crystal: Hugs!

    One of the things on my "to do before TTC" bucket list that was almost done when we decided was to do a girls trip. While it hasn't worked out exactly as planned, I am visiting two friends (different cities so a few days with one, then a few days with the other). One is pregnant and doesn't know we're TTC, but I am handling it pretty well. We're doing plenty of walking, eating out, watching trashy TV, and will do lots of shopping tomorrow. Yea!

  10. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @busylizzy111: I can totally relate. DH worked in a different city, and for the first 10-11 months of TTC, timing was such a huge stress. We saw each other on weekends, and sometimes during the week. We made a lot of extra trips to BD. He finished there and we now live together. Timing is still challenging sometimes but much easier. Hang in there!

  11. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    @organicmama: I' m sorry you were feeling emotional today. I actually had a very similar day. I didn't have work today and out of no where I started crying…and like crying crying. I haven't have a "good" cry like that in a really long time but wth?! And then I tried keeping busy and a little while later I found myself crying again. There wasn't one thing I could pinpoint for the reason of my tears today but I think it's just EVERYTHING. Ugh…not fun.

    @Crystal: I'm so sorry to hear about AF! Grrrrr…

    @AmeliaBedilia: Such a shitty feeling! I haaaatteeee ttc! I just want to be busy with my little family and be content! Why does it have to be so torturous for the ttc journey?!

    I'm totally stressing because I am going away for the week next week with my entire family (aunts, uncles, cousins, gma, mom/dad, siblings, and DH!) and to save $ since it's super expensive where we are going are splitting the room with my grandma and a couple nights with my aunt and cousin…with DH. Shall be interesting…especially because next week begins my fertile window. We will be on a beach…we are going to have to get creative and hubby seems on-board, haha. Soooo we shall see! Whatever! Just gonna go with the flow! lmao

  12. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts

    @lilyofthewest: congrats!!!

  13. Kate6214

    cherry / 245 posts

    Sorry for being out for a few days. AF + some baby triggers have just made it hard to get on this board of late.

    Congrats @lilyofthewest

    @nicole112: Plan your trip. I took a 2 week trip to Italy and a few other countries this summer and it was a wonderful vacation. It was so nice to have something to look forward to. Also have fun and relax this week!

    @Crystal: Sorry about AF

  14. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @nicole112: Have fun being creative Could produce something good!

  15. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    So I have to get an MMR vaccine for my new job, I had to tell the clinic there is a chance I could be pregnant and they wouldn't give me the vaccine. So now I'm freaking out that my job will find out or I won't be able to work...

  16. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    My dreams are usually hazy in the morning, but I am pretty confident I had a dream where I got a BFP and had some other good news. Hoping it is a sign.

    I haven't really been charting and I am not sure if/when I ovulated. It was usually on cd15, but then last cycle after starting acupuncture, I had a 20 day cycle, so I probably didn't ovulate. We did the best we could with timing but if I o late, it probably won't happen. Did acupuncture change your O date?

  17. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @AmeliaBedilia: Come to think of it, yes. Made me ovulate 2 days late, and only had a 2 day super light AF. I think I'm dropping acupuncture this month. I was consistently ovulating cd 16 or 17 and had normal 3 day AF. Now acupuncture caused clots, which I never had before.

  18. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @Kate6214: welcome back! Good to hear from you! I think we have all had times when we needed a break so Bo worries. Hope you are feeling better today!

    @KelLeeLeee: I am pretty sure they can't share private medical information? Hope it works out!

  19. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    Good morning ladies! After working in my house all day and evening and then sleeping like a log, I'm feeling MUCH better. Even got to talk with DH (although not as in depth as I'd have preferred) and it's all good. Took the "stupid" clomid pill, too. I asked DH if he even wanted me to take the clomid this month and his response was "Of course!"

    @ameliabedilia: what did your acupuncturist say about your short cycle last month? I think I'd be wanting some answers! I've never been 100% sold on it, but it seems like a LOT of women ttc are doing it.

  20. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    Quiet board today! What's everyone up to? I'm just waiting to start eod bd'ing.

  21. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @dc yoga bee: Just sitting in the TWW and getting over a cold. These new progesterone things are SO gross! Haha.

  22. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    @dc yoga bee: me, too! O will be Wednesday or Thursday, so just twiddling my thumbs... Although I got my first GOMI shout out today, so *that's* exciting.

  23. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @septca: Haha, I'm old news on GOMI

  24. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @LindsayInNY: I don't want to imagine!

    @septca: I'll have to go look! I got a shout out the other week for flagging threads. Although I'm not sure they knew how I flagged threads...unless they're a moderator. I don't o until next Friday!

  25. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @organicmama: She isn't sure, but doesn't think acupuncture caused it.

    I'm either officially or artificially in the TWW. I haven't been consistently temping since it stresses me out. I'm out of town without DH for another few days, so if I get my BFP, it will be from BD before I left. So nothing to do but wait.

  26. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    @KelLeeLeee: you should be able to get otters drawn to document immunity. Stressful!

  27. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    DH & I are in Hawaii airport waiting for our flight to NZ! Despite staying up WAY too late preparing for our trip, we got in a quick BD session last night before our 4hr "nap". I'm deliriously tired, but so happy to be on vacation! I AM however annoyed with my body... Was expecting to O tomorrow, but using my CBE advanced OPKs, found I skipped right on over high fertility from low fertility & got my peak yesterday?!? So not sure how that happened, especially when previous cycles have been looong lead ups with several days of high fertility & then I get peak. So, fortunately we've hit EOD BDing since Fri, but I hope I actually ovulate/d!
    Best of luck to testers while I'm off the grid... which is going to be challenging not being able to check in & see what you're all up to. Lol!

  28. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: How exciting!!

  29. dc yoga bee

    grapefruit / 4770 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: Have a great trip!!

  30. Mrs. Oyster

    blogger / apricot / 427 posts

    Just hanging out at 9dpo. I'm not sure what to think since it's a post m/c cycle - but for the past 6+ months I've spotted 6DPO-9DPO with a temp drop somewhere in between and a full on AF starting by 9DPO.
    It's pretty weird for me then to have still high temps and only a light bit of brown spotting today. I'm really, really trying not to be hopeful. I don't feel like I can be right now.

    It was my son's 2nd birthday today. I had such a wonderful time and focused a lot on him whenever I felt weepy (for so many reasons).

  31. AmeliaBedilia

    nectarine / 2192 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: Have a fun and safe trip!

    @Keppa: Hugs!

  32. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: have so much fun! Hopefully there is lots of good news to share when you get back!

    @Keppa: happy birthday to your little boy! I will be a little hopeful for you as it sounds like a positive change!

  33. Marfi

    clementine / 794 posts

    So while cleaning over the weekend I found that I have a bunch of softcups left (I don't really like them for AF). I think I am gonna use them this month after BDing.

  34. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: SO Jealous of your trip! Have fun!!

    @Keppa: Hugs! I'm glad you had something so great to distract you!

    AFM...So, I won't be POAS for another couple of days, but I thought I'd share some hope this morning. I am normally SUCH a skeptical person so the amount of hope I have is incredibly shocking to me.


    I've been crampy and had more wetness than usual the last couple of days. But I also have horrible digestion issues so I chalked it up to gas.

    However, this morning I had significant brown spotting. I'm 8 dpo (and have a pretty standard 14 day LP). My temp is still rather high, and still higher than usual. And it's unusual for me to have mid-cycle spotting (hasn't happened since one post-MC cycle where I spotted through the entire month)

    I never thought I'd get excited to see spotting...

  35. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @MaryM: hoping this is positive for you! Fx!

  36. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    As for me, I am 10dpo today and not feeling very optimistic. After a few days of sore boobs, that has faded and I don't feel different. But I guess all we can do is wait and see. My temp usually drops around 12dpo if I am out so I am hoping to have more clarity soon.

  37. marionberry

    pomelo / 5041 posts

    I am rooting for all of you ladies!!! Good luck!!

  38. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @MamaCate: @marionberry: Thank you!!!

    Cate, when I had my BFP last year I asked my SIL if her boobs are like, constantly sore (she has 8 kids under 11). She said she's never really had sore boobs. So maybe you won't either

  39. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    Hey everyone. I hope everyone is doing well! So of course this entire process is beyond stressful and ugh...just crazy and unfair. Well anyway, today I go to my obgyn for my annual and I was going to talk to her about her thoughts with me on clomid (but in a way for her to make the decision and not me lol) and then I finally got the guts to call me insurance company to figure out what would be covered for the RE. And my plan right now SUCKS (super high deductible and we are switching in January to prob my job) but anyway my plan covers like basic stuff like diagnosis of infertility but not treatment. So OK that's something! I felt a bit better so I went ahead and rescheduled the RE (I freaked out and cancelled last month) and now I have an appt next Friday 8/15 with the RE the day I come back from my mini vacay! So should I tell my obgyn today that I'm seeing the RE next week and not discuss the clomid? Or not tell her about the RE and talk about the clomid?? She is not the MD who referred me bc she's impossible to get an appt and I saw a different one a few months back.

  40. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Keppa: FX for you sweetie!!!

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