Hellobee Boards


August TTC 6+ Months - The Most Super "Moon Moon" Month!

  1. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @MamaCate: that is a WTH appt! What a hassle, but I hope you get some good answers soon!

  2. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    Sorry I've been MIA for a couple days...

    @organicmama: That's interesting! Thanks! And I'm sorry to hear that the evil witch showed up…we def were on a mean roller coaster at the end of our last cycles!! Grr..

    @Shutterbug: That's interesting. I wonder why that MD never sent me for CD3 blood work… I guess I could talk about it with MY MD this week! Thanks!

    @MrsMccarthy: Thanks! I hope and pray it's a simple fix like that!!

    @lazypanda: Thank you! I guess we shall see! GL to you as well!!

    @sapphire: I am totally going to approach it that way!! Thank you.

    @lilyofthewest: Congrats!!

  3. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    So idk if I am crazy or not. So DH and I obvi have been ttc for just about a year…but then do you count the 6-7 months we were not "ttc" but "NTNP"/"pull-out" method before we really started TRYING or making it count?! So then really it's been since Feb. 2013. UGH. That's when I stopped taking birth control pills and wanted to "regulate my body".

    So I'm going to my OBGYN thursday for my annual and I plan to talk to her. IDK if I can go to the RE right now with my crappy insurance…but maybe I should really investigate and look into it more and find out. I can't switch insurances until either October or January. So we have some time.

    Now this month I am really feeling beat up by ttc (esp after last cycle!) and I just want to GIVE UP but not really give up because I want to have a baby so I'll never truly "give up" but mentally I'm just done. So then DH and I have been talking about should we go on our Europe vacation we've been dreaming of for the past like 3-4 years at least?! We've been wanting to go to Italy but we don't have a million dollars either. We purchased our house last December and did a million renovations and are still not done and still need to put money towards it but I kind of also feel like "when will we ever get to Europe?!" "Should we just say fuck it and go?!" So many questions are running through my mind the past few days. Can we really afford to go? But if we don't go NOW when will we go if we get KU within this year? We would maybe try to plan Italy for New Years for a week or so and just GO. Take a break from TTC the next few months and get ready for our big trip. IDK!! Am I crazy? Please tell me if I am, hahaha.

    Or maybe I'll get KU this month and all will be good. But then I keep playing these "what-if" games in my head and I have to stop doing that!!

  4. Honeygold89

    nectarine / 2527 posts

    @lilyofthewest: congrats!

  5. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @nicole112: what's the harm in planning a trip? I wouldn't put it off, but would make sure it was refundable!

    Just got out of my blood work appt, everything looks good. I'll bring those results to the OBGYN Friday. My regular doctor also drew up orders for an ultrasound in case my OBGYN isn't as proactive as I'd like. He fully encouraged me to be an advocate for myself, and to come see him if I feel like I'm not getting anywhere. Between my charts for temping, bloodwork results, and orders for an ultrasound, my OBGYN won't know what him him!

    I suppose I should ask about an ultrasound, hsg, and cd1 and cd3 bloodwork? Anything else I should ask about?

  6. ctegge0416

    cherry / 159 posts

    @lilyofthewest: I LOVE seeing it on the digital!! Congratulations!

  7. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    @crystal: Yes, the cd 3 and 7 dpo blood work. That and the HSG will get you to the next steps, if any. Hope you don't even need to get that far of course!

  8. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @nicole112: I hope you are KU before you even book the appointment and I have faith you could be!

  9. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    @nicole112: PLAN THE NEW YEAR TRIP! My philosophy is if you don't just book it, you'll never go. So go for it! Even if you are pg by then that's cool. And if you're not, then you can REALLY enjoy yourself I'm so glad I got my two weeks in the French Riviera, Cannes, St. Tropez, Marbella, and Puerto Banus BEFORE settling down with the munchkin. I would never leave him for a 2 week vacay! But that was the trip of a lifetime! I say GO FOR IT.

  10. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @MrsMccarthy: I think it's sweet you still pop up here. How's it going?

    @organicmama: great, thanks!

    Do they normally do an ultrasound before an hsg? I'm not sure how fast the process should go... Do you have to wait for the results of an SA before anything else?

    Also, random question- did they ever make you stop TTC while testing? How long did your partner have to "hold it" before an SA?

  11. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @Crystal: We are just going through preliminary testing, so I can share our experience: we met with an RE who went through pages of info we filled out about our histories & they recommended an US for me, which we were able to do that day, & SA for DH (he was to abstain from ejaculation for at least 3 but not more than 5 days). I also got CD 3 blood drawn & an HSG on CD9. We are waiting on SA results & will go back for follow up with RE for her interpretation. Fortunately or unfortunately we're going on vacation Wed, so we have to wait a while for the info, but so far the people we've dealt with are very compassionate & kind. I'd love to get more info sooner, or even as it comes in, but apparently they prefer to interpret it all together & then do the big reveal. Hope this helps.

  12. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @nicole112: yep, I agree with others: plan the trip! We choose to do one last big trip to NZ while we know we can without LOs, & if we hasn't planned it we would not be going anywhere. It sucks to put stuff off based on TTC, & since you never know how that'll go, just plan what you can & deal with what actually happens later, I say. Besides, nye is only 5 mos away... You could totally still enjoy yourself even if you did get pg! You know, minus lots of champagne, anyway...

  13. mrs. tictactoe

    blogger / pomegranate / 3201 posts

    @lilyofthewest: congrats!!

  14. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @nicole112: I also say plan the trip! If I'm not KU by next May (god that's depressing) dh, my mom and I are planning a trip to Ireland to celebrate my graduation. We have family there I haven't seen in 15 years.

  15. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @nicole112: Another vote for plan the trip! You only live once, you can't put your life on hold! Like @MaryM, if I'm not KU by spring I will likely be going away as well (only waiting that long to accrue vacation time!)

  16. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    @Crystal: @MrsMccarthy: @organicmama: @GoGoSnoGirl: @MaryM: @KelLeeLeee: Thanks ladies!!! I feel like this month I want to investigate, do my research, figure out what would be the best vacay plan for us. And if this month nothing happens (which chances are likely since it hasn't happened yet) then I may go ahead and book it!

    I have 5 cycles (including this one). Ughhh a part of me wants to put ttc on hold (but still "try") and plan this trip and the other part of me tells me to keep going (because I don't give up...on anything in life) and is it really bad to travel overseas while pregnant? If I do get pregnant, do I want to risk anything by traveling? These are the cruel games that play in my head. And then my mom, (the voice of reason) tells me that I should put the money towards my house and don't be foolish with planning an expensive trip (but she's never travelled like that either!) But then I say that my house will still be there waiting for me. IDK what the RIGHT answer is but I know traveling is on my bucket list, I do want to finish my house, and I want to be pregnant. I guess I can't have it all, but why not? December would be the soonest we could travel since DH is taking a class at the community college this and next semester so we would have to wait until that's over. *going crazy* sorry I keep ranting!!!

  17. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    @nicole112: Absolutely plan the trip. DH and I have made a big commitment - time and money - to travel in our marriage because we love it and think it's really important. We had a pre-baby travel bucket list that we set out based on where we wanted to go pre-pregnancy (China and India) versus where I would be comfortable going while pregnant. We took our "babymoon" in Paris and I can 100% say that traveling in Europe while pregnant is SUPER easy, so I wouldn't let your TTC journey stop you from planning a trip to Italy. JUST DO IT. I will also say that traveling in Europe with a baby/kids is also super easy... so if you get KU soon and still want to go, no problem.

    As far as your mom's advice goes, everyone has different priorities in life. If travelling is something you want to do, you have to just take the plunge. There are definitely ways to travel less expensively in Europe, so concentrate on those if money is a stressor in trip planning.

    @Crystal: There is usually a "hold" time for the SA, so just plan it for a time at the beginning or end of your cycle. As for the HSG, most clinics make you do it between CD 6-10 - they want you to be completely done with AF, but they don't want to risk washing away an egg. I had mine done on CD7 and it was no problem. Your doctor will WANT you to TTC that cycle because there is a small increase in fertility for 3 months post-HSG. You may also have to be on antibiotics, just FYI.

  18. LindsayInNY

    bananas / 9229 posts

    @nicole112: Why would you stop TTC? You could still safely travel around New Years. You're just gonna drive yourself nuts with all the "what if" games! Trust me, I know!

  19. busylizzy111

    cherry / 144 posts

    I'll join this month... even though I don't know if I'll POAS in August.
    Pretty bummed that AF arrived yesterday - even though our timing was very bad with dh being abroad during the fertile window, the little voice in my head/heart said "but maybe...". Oh well, at least I did not POAS.

    CD: 2
    Cycle #: trying since Nov 13, with a MC in April
    TTC #: 1
    POAS date: earliest Aug 31
    Backstory (if you want): Timing is our big problem - DH and I live in different cities and only see each other at the weekends. Grrrr. Luckily, this will change next year!

  20. MamaCate

    pomegranate / 3595 posts

    @nicole112: joining the chorus of "go on the trip"! I think the only concerns about travel when pregnant would be stuff like found extreme physical extortion like hiking the alps and food and water safety. Going to Italy would be safe food and walking around so I don't see why you shouldn't go!

  21. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @nicole112: I also agree with the "why would you stop TTC?"

    For the longest time, I figured DH and I wouldn't start TTC until 9 months before I was due to finish grad school. But then I thought...in the end, what would be the bigger regret/mean most? Putting off a master's degree, or not having a baby?

    I think it's a "to each their own" kind of thing because everyone has their own priorities...but if I put off having a baby and then couldn't have one, I think I'd be super regretful of missing out on the chance to TTC all because of a piece of paper.

  22. MrsMccarthy

    honeydew / 7295 posts

    @Crystal: I adore you girls and can't wait for more BFPs from you. All is well for me thus far at 8 weeks.

  23. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    @MaryM: one of my friends from law school delivered a week after we graduated. She took the summer and fall "off" and took the February bar. Doesn't regret it for a second.

  24. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @septca: Really, TTC has led to me finishing this degree faster than I'd planned to. I was spacing my classes more because I'm taxed on them above a certain threshold (work is paying for them, but only the first two are completely "free"). But it's worked out now that if I get KU, I only have to put off my thesis. I figure I'm much more likely to finish after having a kid if that's all I have left to do and now actual classes.

    And as far as travelling goes, DH and I have been saving for close to a year for the trip to Ireland. If I do get KU, then we'll just move the money over to cover any lost pay when I take FMLA. I figure it's a win win either way! If I have a newborn, I'm pretty sure I won't miss being in Ireland all that much

  25. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: Thank you for the info! UGH, waiting is my least favorite part. I will be sure to report back here Friday.

    @septca: The increased fertility from an HSG might not be bad!!

    How fast did they schedule all this stuff with you? Did they make you wait a while?

    I will be seeing my OBGYN on CD4.... Would it be completely crazy to call and see if I need to get an order for CD3 bloodwork and do it before I even seen him?

  26. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @Crystal: Given how helpful you've said your PCP is being, I wouldn't think it would hurt at all!

    Remember when you were scared it was going to be SO hard to get a referral?

    I also want to thank everyone for sharing their experiences with WTF appointments. I'm trying to take notes so I don't feel as lost when I schedule mine for Sept.

  27. septca

    GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts

    @Crystal: my situation is a little different because I have a known medical issue impacting my fertility, but - no - I did not have to wait at all. By the time I saw a pelvic pain specialist we had been TTC for 6 months and she was like *why* did you wait this long???

  28. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @MaryM: I would have to get the blood test ordered by my OBGYN, who I haven't seen at all for this yet, so thats my hesitation for calling. Not crazy to try?

    I know! I have been so fortunate with this PCP- he is the best!

  29. nicole112

    apricot / 278 posts

    @septca: @LindsayInNY: @MamaCate: Thanks! I may just go for it!

  30. GoGoSnoGirl

    pear / 1558 posts

    @Crystal: you can do CD3 blood work days 2-4 at my clinic, so maybe you can go same day you see your Dr??

  31. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @GoGoSnoGirl: That's good to know! Maybe they wont be so tied to actual CD3 then. Thanks!

    @nicole112: Dooooooooooo it!

  32. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    New August BFPs

    Aug 11: KelLeeLeee, MaryM
    Aug 12: MamaCate
    Aug 13: Mrsk
    Aug 17: LindsayInNY
    Aug 23: MrsMcD
    Aug 24: GoGoSnoGirl
    Aug 26: Marfi
    Aug 27: septca
    Aug 28: dc yoga bee, Kate6214
    Sept 1: Crystal

    TBD: Shutterbug; lazypanda, AmeliaBedilia, Keppa, doxielove, organicmama

  33. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @Crystal: Seriously? As if the TWW wasn't hard enough already, @KelLeeLeee: and I have to shoulder being the next people in line and we're still almost a week away?! Oy!

  34. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @MaryM: ha! Break out the water bottles and HPTs!

  35. lilyofthewest

    pear / 1697 posts

    Y'all could pee way early! It worked for me. Correlation =/= causation, but hopefully my early testing luck rubs off.

  36. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @lilyofthewest: I start testing waaaaaaaaaaaaaay before I ever admit it on here.

  37. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @lilyofthewest: @Crystal: I try to hold out until at LEAST 8 dpo. (which would be friday)

  38. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    One whole week?? Yes, early testers are a must!

    **Please be prepared for a rant**
    Y'all, I'm so emotional today. I have had tears come to my eyes a hundred times and I can't even put my finger on what's wrong. I can't tell if I'm extra sensitive (on cd 3??) or if DH is being an extra turd face. He seems more introverted than usual and has been a little more whiney about his commute to work (3-4 hours round trip depending on traffic). It's almost like he feels the need to remind me daily that he has to work the next day and I don't. Mind you, I literally JUST finished the most stressful job of my life where I worked for 2 1/2 years only 2 freaking weeks ago. And I already have a new job that starts in a few weeks! Money is not the issue. It just seems like he wants an extra ass kissing lately. Not really in the mood for that. Especially considering I'm completely overwhelmed handling all of our home repairs (I'm currently listening to the harmony of drills, nail guns, and Tejano music), finishing my online certification program (which has to be done before I start in a few weeks), and creating lesson plans from scratch and figuring out how to do this whole teacher thing! AHHHH!

    I don't even feel like taking the stupid clomid today. Okay, sorry for the emotional vomiting but it was necessary. And I feel a little better.

  39. organicmama

    cherry / 230 posts

    @busylizzy111: I'm sorry to hear about the m/c. We will be close cycle buddies this month as AF came for me officially on 8/3. Welcome to the group!

  40. MrsKRB

    nectarine / 2465 posts

    @MaryM: oh no!! How are you feeling? I keep wanting symptoms and then when I have some I say arghhj it's too early that doesn't count, haha. We had really good timing this month (despite NTNP, oops) but I'm definitely not feeling optimistic.

    I just started my new jobso I can't play on HB as much, will try and catch up later!

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