A little over two weeks later and I think I may have some time to finally write this! HA, change that to three weeks, when I wrote that she started crying and my time was over....lol

On Wednesday night on August 1st (Full Moon! haha) I started having contractions at 11:30 p.m. I knew instantly that they weren't just more annoying braxton hicks, thank goodness! I had been napping and so I woke up and went to bed with my husband since he had to work in the morning. I of course could not sleep at all and finally at about 1:20 I decided to attempt to time my contractions. For that entire hour they were exactly 5 minutes apart and at least a minute long. I decided to wake up my husband and tell him that we would go in. I told him it was time and he was so confused lol, he was half asleep but it was pretty funny! We took our time getting all of our stuff ready to go, trying to make sure we didn't forget anything and also, I didn't want to be stuck at the hospital forever. At this point my contractions were definitely uncomfortable and made me just want to sit everytime they came.

We made it to the hospital after 3 a.m. sometime and we were put in a Post room because ALL of the labor and delivery rooms were filled, due to the full moon I'm sure They checked me and I was only dilated to a 2 1/2 but 100% effaced. I got hooked up to the monitors and the nurse told me to sit for the next hour and if I don't progress then I'm being sent home. WHAT?! That was one long hour, I did not want to go home at this point, my contractions were about 2 minutes apart and getting more painful. At the end of the hour, I was gripping the bed so hard during each contraction! I got checked again and I had only progressed a little and the nurse made me a 3 since everything was so soft. I was going to stay and got moved to a delivery room

Not long after I got into the delivery room they asked me if I wanted to get my epidural. I was having even more pain at this point so I said YES! I was worried at first about getting the epidural because I always hear those horror stories about other bad experiences. My husband sat right in front of me when the guy started to insert the needle. It really didn't hurt bad and like the guy said, it felt like a lot of pressure. I did ask my worried questions like, will it run out?! Haha, the nurse told me it won;t go away until she turns it off. Thank goodness! In the beginning I thought it wasn't working everywhere but I just had to change positions and everything was beginning to numb. I had to ask the nurse if it was like laughing gas because I all of a sudden was super giggly! She laughed and said it was just because I was feeling good

I got checked again to see how much I was progressing. I was now a 4 and I progressed to a 7 in less than an hour! They broke my water and at that point I just had to sit there and wait until I was a 10. I was feeling NOTHING! My friends and family would watch my contractions on the monitor and ask, you can't feel that? Me, Nope! I just got to sit there and visit with everyone, I should have been sleeping and I did try but I just couldn't shut my brain off.

At about 1 p.m. the nurse said it was time to push. I couldn't believe it was happening! My doctor came and I had a wonderful nurse, also in my room with my I had my husband, two good friends, and my Grandma. I was so thankful to have them all in there with me and it made for such a great experience. As soon as I started pushing they told me she had a lot of hair, I instantly thought, well at least that horrible heartburn paid off after all! lol My delivery was really not like any other I guess. I was perfectly fine, even when I was pushing I was laughing and we were all cracking jokes. I kept asking if I had pooped yet, I swear I asked for about 5 pushes in a row and they just told me I wouldn't, did I? Who knows but I was sure worried about that! After my first push I told the doctor I got super light headed and felt like I was blowing up a hot air balloon! I've never pushed so hard and didn't think I could do that! Clearly I have never pushed out a turd the size of a baby either, so pushing that hard has never been necessary lol. I pushed for about 45 minutes and she was born at 1:50 p.m. When she came out I was in shock, no tears, no emotion, just in awe pretty much. I was worried at first because she had a big knot on her head, by her forehead from being stuck in the canal for a bit too long. It was the size of a golf ball, not what I wanted to see, but like the doctor said, it disappeared within the hour. She was absolutely beautiful....we all noticed instantly that she had my nose, my husband was hoping for that I couldn't believe she was actually here.

I can't tell you how thankful I am and how blessed I feel to have had such an easy and pain free delivery. I had such wonderful friends and family to spend such a special time with and I'm so glad I got to share it with them

She is now almost 4 weeks old. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. I love being a mommy. It's definitely not easy but I look at her and know that everything is worth it

Camdyn Ann
August 2nd
1:50 P.M.
6 lbs 5 oz
19 1/2 in.