When I was pregnant, registered at BRU and preparing for my LO, I absolutely did not want any swing/bouncer/babygym, etc. I thought that I would always babywear so I registered for the Ergo & accessories, the wraps and slings and I didn't want a high-end stroller.
Along came DS and he hated to be swaddled or in anything that resembled a swaddle or blocked his face - like a sling/Ergo, etc. He LOVED the stroller and seeing everything.
He also loved to be moving constantly, so I caved and bought a swing (and a friend graciously gave us a bouncer) to keep him entertained.
I also thought I would have DS in the crib immediately and didn't prepare to have a bassinet at my bedside.
It's funny the things you want or think you want vs. the things that baby wants.
Has this happened to any of you?