Finally having time to write this down! I was scheduled to be induced on Monday October 1st at 6:30 am. I went to the hospital all anxious and excited with very little sleep the night before and an empty stomach due to nerves ( and not bring able to keep food down.)

They started my IV for antibiotics due to group b and pitocin. They checked me and I was 4 cm and 85% effaced. And the told me I was progressing nicely. Around 11 am my contractions were strong enough I decided to get an epideral. After this point I dilated from 5 to 8 in an hour, and was told it would be soon.

I was excited and pain free relaxing and trying to nap, unfortunately I ended up stalling at 8 cm until 3 pm and pitocin was increased even more. I finally hit 9 1/2 cm around 6 pm and stalled again. One more pitocin increase and I was ready to push at 8 pm. I pushed for 2 1/2 hours with little progress and ended up getting a fever. My doctor became concerned by my fever which seemed to cause my baby's heart rate to increase and was worried of infection. It was decided at 10:30 pm I would have a c-section.

At 11:14 pm Emerson Rhea entered this world at 8 lbs 10 oz and 21 1/4 inches long. She wasn't crying loud enough and needed oxygen so she was taken to the NICU to be checked out. She spent 6 days in the NICU and finally came home on Saturday. She is doing great and we are completely obsessed with our baby girl!