My DH is just a funny person. He's always cracking jokes and just can't take anything seriously.

When we first met, we used to joke about what our children would be called and he'd suggest all these ridiculous names like Calliper and Strudel. He used to have me rolling about with laughter!

Once we started TTC - and especially since our BFP - I've wanted to have more serious conversations about baby names (it's early days but it's so nice to dream) but he turns every conversation into a comedy routine and I end up laughing too much to concentrate! And he doesn't stop there - if I suggest a name, he finds something funny to say about it - for example I really like the name Lois for a girl - cue DH putting on a Stewie from family guy voice and repeating "Lois" until I'm laughing! I like Elliot for a boy - cue DH putting on an ET voice and repeating "Elliot", waving his finger at me, until I'm laughing! It's very offputting!!!

I know it is super early days - and I know that DH is more scared of m/c than even he likes to admit so it refusing to think about us actually having a baby until I'm the size of a whale and getting kicked all day! But, still!!! Haha! It runs in the family, too - when his mum was pregnant with him, his dad insisted he wanted to call him wardrobe? And his younger brother spent 9 months in utero named after a Lord of the Rings character whose name rhymes with our surname!

Did you have this problem? What were your DH's like when it came to naming? Could they be serious? Could you? Did they bring any suggestions to the table or just take the micky out of yours?? Did you get there evetually?!

It is very funny....! But it will have to stop eventually!!!