DD2 will be 6 months on the 24th. Around 6 weeks old she started doing longer and longer stretches of sleep at night, even STTN 2 to 3 times a week. Around 2.5 months I started a solid sleep routine for both naps and bedtime and by 3 months she was going to sleep on her own 95% of the time. Then her nights started get jumbled. She would be off for a few days then seemly getting back to good sleep, then off for a few days, etc. Then around 4.5 months she started rolling over and really struggling to keep her hands still and naps and bedtime became kind of a crap shoot, but I still wasn't needing to rock her to sleep so I was trying to tough it out. But her night waking kept increasing and I knew she wasn't hungry so I decided that we should try sleep training for night waking before 4 am. 2 nights of 2+ hours of crying (the crying was never constant but it was still too long) and her being exhausted during the day I decided she wasn't ready. Things got better for a night or 2 and then just steadily got worse. She is waking up 4+ times a night. Sometimes I nurse her just because I'm effing tired and I want her to go back to sleep. I'm fighting off a horrible cold and I honestly feel like it's lingering because I'm not getting rest. She seemed fine until last night I noticed her nose was stuffy so I rubbed some Vicks on and gave her a bit of Tylenol but she still couldn't settle and ended up sleeping in our bed all night. I DO NOT enjoy cosleeping. All my muscles tense up and I sleep terribly, so this is not an option. Her naps are good. About 3 naps a day at least and hour long wit one 2 to 3 hour nap in the middle of the day (the past few days she's been sobbing through her long nap too, even if I'm holding her). She still goes to sleep on her own and bedtime is no later than 7pm. I don't know what else to do. I feel like I'm doing everything "right" but it's not helping her. I'm exhausted and losing my patience with both my kids and struggling to focus on the happy moments because I feel so defeated by the bad ones. I need rest. I'm tired of being sick and I know she would be happier with better sleep too. Please help!