My daughter is 4.5 months old and her sleep is disastrous. She has reflux and maybe had colic on top of it, and our first few months were extremely difficult. She is now turning in to a delightful little baby, but sleep remains our Achilles' heel. Here's what we're dealing with:

Naps: When she gets tired, she gets super fussy. She fights me like a wild animal when I try to nurse or rock her to sleep - kicking, thrashing, screaming. After she finally does go down, she will not sleep more than 25-30 mins. She usually wakes up crying. I used to be able to rock her back down but not anymore. She wakes at the slightest noise. She hates swings. She will fall asleep in the car, but wakes up as soon as we stop driving. She's a disaster by the end of the day bc she's so overtired. I've tried putting her to sleep after an hour of awake time and after 2.5 hours of awake time, and every time point in between - same results. She only naps twice a day at daycare and won't let her teacher put her down.

Bed time: We aim for a 7pm bedtime, but she often can't "make it" that late before having a meltdown. So she ends up going to sleep at 6:30, but she's still in "nap mode" and wakes up after 20-30 minutes, and it takes us her another hour to get her to sleep. So pretty much from the time I pick her up at daycare until she finally zonks out 8pm, I'm dealing with a cranky, crying baby.

Overnight: When she was 2 months or so, she routinely went for one five hour stretch, followed by wake ups ever two hours. Things started to go downhill around 3 months, and have gotten terrible the past few weeks. She's up every 30-90 minutes and immediately starts crying. I used to able to shush, pat, or rock her back to sleep, but now she won't go back down unless I nurse her. It's brutal.

I started back to work at the beginning of the month and this is quickly becoming untenable. I have no time for myself in the evenings, and getting up and going to work at 6am after 7-9 wake ups through the night is torturous. (My DD is EBF so I'm doing all the wake ups.) I'm exhausted, overwhelmed, anxious, foggy, forgetful, and short-tempered. I've gotten two terrible colds this month alone because my immune system is shot (DD and DH have been just fine). I've read a bunch of sleep books and tips and I feel terrible that I've been unable to prevent or "fix" her bad sleep habits. She seems to be trying to self soothe (rubbing face, grabbing sleep sack, putting fingers in mouth), but it's not "working." I tried introducing a lovey but she's not really interested.

Sorry for the novel, I guess I just needed to dump. Support or commiseration welcome.