After 3 failed induction attempts for pregnancy induced hypertension we arrived at hospital at 4pm on the 18th of May for attempt 4. Cervidil was inserted at 5pm when I was 1-2cm and 50% effaced and left overnight to make the cervix more favourable. At around 2am on the 19th mild cramping and back pain began. It continued throughout the morning, so I paced around trying to get things happening. Feeling hopeful I was checked at 8am and was 3cm and 80% effaced. The midwife broke my waters and I was monitored on the CTG to make sure bub wasn't distressed. Around 8.30am contractions had began full force...I was officially in labour! We moved into the birthing suite and I had to breathe through contractions almost immediately. We had planned a water birth if my bp remained at a safe level, so I hoped to remain upright for the first hour or so to help her make her way down the birth canal. Just after 9am we decided to labour in the shower to help get through the contractions as I found hot water to be very helpful with the intensity. Not long after getting in the shower I started to feel quite nauseous and the midwife left to get something to help. Contractions by this time were super intense with hardly any break. I started to doubt that I could continue drug free as I had been labouring such a short time and was struggling to get through such intensity without decent breaks. DH tried to suggest that it was time to get in the bath but I didn't feel I could the next contraction I felt immediate pressure and the urge to push. I told DH she was coming out now and he pushed the button for the midwife. I was freaking out we would be alone when she was born but the midwife arrived and 3-4 pushes later Iris Tess was born in the shower at 9.28am...a speedy 58 minutes after labour began. The midwife handed her straight up onto my chest, we were so relieved and shocked that she was here and how quickly she arrived. After a few minutes DH cut the cord...she had offically arrived and we couldn't be more in love with our beautiful daughter. DH got skin to skin time with her whilst my placenta was delivered and recovery repairs were made. Our fast, crazy birth story.... Iris Tess born at 9.28am, 19th of May 2015. 7lbs 11oz, 50cm long.