If you have twins (or multiples) or more than one young child, do you find yourself babywearing outside the house often? Right now, at 3 months old, it's easier to leave them in their car seat. They are pretty good with sleeping in the stroller when we run errands.

I'm sure if you have a toddler and an infant, it makes sense to wear one of them... or both since you can wear the toddler on your back.

Since both my twins are small, I can't wear one on my back yet, since they don't sit unassisted. I do want to try tandem carry with both in the front, but I'll do that inside first.

As you can tell, this is mainly for solo trips where your partner is not with you.

I have yet to babywear them outside the house. Maybe because its easier for one of us to stay home with the kids and the other goes out solo to run errands. Maybe I'll start taking one of the kids out with me if I need to run errands after work since I'm a WOHM. So I can get snuggle time while I run errands.