My DS is 12 weeks, 14 lbs and we have been bed-sharing since we came home from the hospital because he refused to sleep alone. It was nice in the beginning due to the frequent feeds, but we are getting into a bad place over the last few weeks. He sleeps right next to me and often kicks me and I get little sleep. He was eating every three hours at night and he has gone some rare 4-5 hour stretches, but those were weeks ago. He is now waking every 1.5 to 2 hours to nurse!! I have tried to give him a pacifier, but he spits it out. I don't think this is a sleep regression because he takes a glorious three hour nap in the morning (why can't he do that at night?!). I'm thinking that because he sleeps next to me, every time he wakes, he needs to nurse to go back to sleep and also wants to nurse because he smells my milk. He nurses to sleep and I've tried to get him to sleep in his co-sleeper or swing, but he cries. He naps fine in his nursery in a swing and I don't nurse him to sleep during the day. I'm getting to the end of my rope, especially because I go back to work full-time next week. Anyone have a similar situation? I don't think I am going to be able to do any cry-free techniques to get him in his nursery/crib and I fear we will have to do cry it out and as early as four months. My pedi told me to CIO at 8 weeks, but I did not feel comfortable with that so early. I also fear that he is going to cry so much because he is used to sleeping next to me in our bed. Lastly, what about eating every 1.5 hours? Will he wake when we CIO every 1.5 hours because he used to it now??? I'm so scared! We really need him in his own crib so that we can all get some rest and I don't mind feeding him 2-3 times a night. Thanks in advance!