I got the best compliment, ever, today. When I was picking up my 3 y.o. from preschool today one of his classmate's mom was walking out as I was walking in and she said to me, "Nicholas is a really good boy." I was speechless and said, "thank you." She was the mother's helper the other day so was able to observe how each child was in my son's class. I've always wondered how he is when he's not with me b/c he is wild and crazy when he is with me. Now I know he's actually pretty well behaved when I'm not around. Such a good feeling to know that I'm doing something right.
Parenting has been such a struggle for me b/c I always wonder if I'm doing a good job raising him. I always feel so bad for putting him time outs or taking toys away b/c he was being bad. I try to teach him consequences and I never know if he truly understands it or get it b/c he just goes on being bad again. I have also been trying to teach him manners and I think he's finally getting it. Sometimes he forgets to ask for things "nicely" (like with a "please") so I still have to remind him. I feel like a broken record most times but I guess it's starting to pay off. My neighbor helped watch him the other week for an hour and she said he was being really good and asked to play with toys nicely.
I'm so proud of my little boy.