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Best of the worst - peanut gallery one liners

  1. lil owl

    apricot / 345 posts

    Girl at a friends birthday party: „May I ask you a question? How old are you?“
    me: “why?”
    “you look like 18. and... like that old man got you pregnant by accident...”
    “really? because I'm 31 and my DH is 2 years younger than me.”


    one of DH friends: “thank god you're having a boy. You really shouldn't have a girl.”

  2. Mrs. Pickle

    blogger / wonderful cherry / 21628 posts

    "Are you sure you can't get pregnant? You should just get drunk and f*ck."

    Because apparently infertility is not a medical condition and I'm just too uptight to get pregnant.

  3. mrskc

    bananas / 9357 posts

    When I was pregnant with dd, a man at Walmart asked "is your baby going to be born with clothes on?" Me "uhhhhhh I hope not" him "it's bad when they come out cowboy." Wtf? I guess that's walmart for you.

  4. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    @mrskc: WTF?! So confusing.

  5. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    I have shared this already, but this is classic MIL ~

    You know what, you've ruined this baby girl. She is so spoiled and everyone thinks that. You can't even go in the other room without her screaming for you. Well no, actually, she's scared of your loud obnoxious voice and your vicious little dog that you brought to my house. But thanks for letting me know that EVERYONE talks about my spoiled girl and I behind my back.
    Then this came out of her mouth, I wanted to punch her.
    MIL - Thank God M's hair isn't red anymore
    Me - Oh, why's that?
    MIL - Because WE don't have red hair in our family.
    Me - I'm a natural redhead.
    MIL - Yes, but we don't have red heads in our family, people will talk and you dye your hair.
    My oldest is a ginger too, she doesn't like him and gets super defensive when I say how much C looks like him as a baby. What's funny is M never had red hair, it was dark brown when she was a newborn, and now it's more auburn. The funniest part was when MIL's husband said didn't you tell me that <her son> had red hair when he was first born?

  6. dagret

    grapefruit / 4235 posts

    @StbHisMrs: she sounds delightful. Good luck with that. And if your daughters hair is red...they have to have had red hair somewhere in their family. Genetics FTW.

    At least being a jerk can't be inherited.

    @mrskc: thAt is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

  7. sarahbs

    grape / 77 posts

    @Lolo: I just got that same question from my stepmother. My husband is a SAHD (by choice) and she asked me "so what does he DO with his time all day? I mean, besides take care of the baby of course." Me: "that's not enough?" The baby's only 6 months old!

    Another gem from my step-mom: do you know what onesies are for?" I got a five minute lecture about how babies can't regulate their body temperature and MUST wear onesies all the time.

  8. Lolo

    cherry / 128 posts

    @sarahbs yip can't wait for my one long extended weekend! I'll need it since I am moving house twice before the baby arrives in 2 1/2 months, decorating, buying everything we need including a car, furniture and all baby items. And thats just before I have a newborn!

  9. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @sarahbs: my mom insists onesies are just undershirts and that M needs to have another shirt on top of it. She hates it when she sees him in just a onesie or a onesie and pants/shorts. She always holds his feet and insists he is cold. Even though it's summer. In South Carolina.

  10. sunshineandsushi

    persimmon / 1165 posts

    This is one of my faves: my elder neighbor asked me if I was breast feeding my twins and I told her yes. She was so surprised and said, wow, I didn't think you would be able to. Your breasts are not very large. I was totally surprised and wanted to laugh, but just kindly replied that it actually doesn't have to do worth breast size.

  11. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Dandelion: what is it with ppl being obsessed about baby temperature?

    I took lo to the grocery store the other day dressed in a onesie/dress thing. I was just running in for 3 things so I left her in her car seat and it was like 90 out so no blanket. Some stranger older guy behind me in the checkout line told me her feet were cold. I told him she was fine. Then he told me if she was HIS daughter or granddaughter he would be holding her and not letting her sit in the car seat. Ok???

  12. sarahbs

    grape / 77 posts

    @Mae: Yes! My father in law does this. He insists that my son is cold ALL the time because his hands and feet are cold. Um no, they're cold because he has them in his mouth all day.

  13. Mrs. Jump Rope

    blogger / coconut / 8306 posts

    @Dandelion: my mom insisted that with Chloe! I keep our house really warm in the winter, so I'd put Chloe in just a sleeper. My mom would change her into a onesie then out the sleeper back on. I always worried she was too hot!

  14. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @Mrs. Jump Rope: yeah I worry about that more. I would have been yelling at my mom for that lol.

  15. loopedd

    kiwi / 536 posts

    Upon seeing my grandma recently for the first time since announcing my pregnancy (around 12 weeks), she loudly asked me in front of several other people, "Do you have to go on a special diet so you don't gain too much more weight?"

    This wasn't me, but I heard the most mortifying story over the weekend about a friend. She was at work and a coworker comes up to her and says "Congratulations!" pointing at her belly.

    Friend: Oh, I'm not pregnant, just fat.
    Coworker: Oh, yes, you are so pregnant!!
    Friend: No, really I'm not.
    Coworker: Well then we need to talk.

    What is wrong with people?

  16. fairy

    persimmon / 1343 posts

    Of course I got a lot of comments about my size/belly when I was pregnant like "Wow you are HUGE. Just when I think you can't get any bigger, you do!" and "You're going to give birth to a toddler" To be fair, though, I am a short 5' tall gal who had a HUGE baby and a lot of fluid so I really did look like I was carrying multiples. My 29 week photos look like most womens' final before the hospital photos, so it was understandable.

    The worst though was when I was pregnant and going to a heart ultrasound, the woman checking me in asked if my husband's name on my insurance card was my father, and when I said "no, that is my husband" she stood up, gave me a long, obnoxious look up and down and said "there is no way you are married, you look 14!" and then kept giving me the side-eye when I moved away from the counter and she saw that I was pregnant too. WTF she had my birthdate! I refused to go back to that office..

    @Mae: Ugh that's awful! In a similar vein, I had my daughter in the cart before she could walk and we didn't even have shoes for her. As I was leaving the grocery store, this man yells from across the parking lot "where are her shoes?! that girl needs to wear shoes!" o__o

  17. NurseMommy

    pear / 1812 posts

    I went to get my hair done when I was 19 weeks pregnant. The stylist, who was new to me, and I were talking. I mentioned that I was pregnant and she said "No you're not! You just eat too much!" Wtf?!?

  18. .twist.

    pineapple / 12802 posts

    WOW. These are all so inappropriate! My mouth has hit the floor a number of times reading this thread.

    I actually am too scared to write what one person has said to me. It was supposed to be a joke but it was so terrible and I am embarrassed for her.

  19. My Only Sunshine

    persimmon / 1129 posts

    These are funny/crazy/heartbreaking!

    My MIL has busted out gems like: "It's just such a shame she has to go to daycare" and "My kids were never sick. It must be because I didn't work."

  20. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    @sarahbs: @Dandelion: @Mae: @Mrs. Jump Rope: @dreamocracy: seriously, what is it with people and cold babies?? My mom bundled my first in two flannel blankets and a hat when we were at the hospital after he was born. His temp went above a hundred! The nurse freaked out and stripped him down.

    With my second, my mom tried to bundle him up, even though it was the middle of summer. I told her, "he isn't crying, and he's not going to become hypothermic when it's in the seventies. Let it go!"

    @NurseMommy: people. My friend told me I didn't look pregnant, just like I had gained a few pounds. Umm...why would that be better than being pregnant?

  21. Mrs. Detour

    apricot / 251 posts

    My MIL (who has dementia and therefore no filter): I hope you're having a boy, boys in our family are all so smart but the girls struggle with their weight. DSIL was there.

  22. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    So I knew I had posted about a bunch of comments during my pregnancy... here they are. In all their glory.

    I've had some doozies. Most of these were from older people (70+), so I didn't feel right saying something snappy in return, but good grief!

    "This baby is going to tear you apart down there! You're too tiny to give birth that way. You should just have a c-section. Seriously, it's gonna look like Texas Chainsaw Massacre!" - My great aunt.

    "You're having a water birth? What kind of an idiot does that?" - Some old lady I barely know who demanded to know what kind of birth I'm planning.

    "You think you're having a natural birth, but you'll be clutching the bedposts screaming for drugs, and you won't care how peaceful your birth center is anymore. And I'll just say "I told you so"." - Same great-aunt, geez.

    "Well you look like a tub." - A jerky man who thought he was being funny.

    "It's obviously a boy if it's kicking that hard. Girls aren't strong." - Like four people. Um... sexist much?

  23. Arden

    honeydew / 7589 posts

    Not a one liner, but this happened.

    While I was pregnant, I was talking to this lady about the baby and getting ready, etc, and she asked me if I had enough bottles.
    I replied "Well I really don't need more than one or two since I'm only using them for emergencies, so yeah."
    She looked at me weird and said "What do you mean, how are you going to feed the baby?" I said "I'm exclusively breastfeeding."
    She looked to incredibly confused. "Yeah, but what will you give the baby the milk with?" "Um... my breasts."
    "Oh! Ok. But what about when it's older, like in a couple of months?!"
    "Um... still my breasts. As long as it needs milk it will be breastfed."

    *cue look of shock and horror*

  24. Dandelion

    watermelon / 14206 posts

    @jedeve: oh wow! does your mom know she made the baby's temp go up?

  25. Ms.Badger

    clementine / 918 posts

    My first big outing with L, he was a couple weeks and we went to an art museum, and, like all babies, he decided that today would be his very first giant poop explosion. Here I am, first time mom with my baby screaming in the stroller. I finally find the bathroom, the changing table is out in the open for all to see, GREAT! I get off all the dirty clothes and get him cleaned up and into a clean diaper. I immediately start picking him up to calm him down, before putting him into new clothes. And some lady tells me "Babies don't like to be naked, that's why he's crying".... Seriously.

  26. jedeve

    pomegranate / 3643 posts

    @Ms.Badger: as if you had just thought it fun to strip him down in a bathroom!

  27. Mae

    papaya / 10343 posts

    @Ms.Badger: I love when other ppl tell you why your lo is crying. I had a friend over once and right after she walked in lo peed and had a big leak so I was changing her diaper and onesie and she was crying and I was like sorry she is going through a scream-during-diaper-changes phase. My friend was like well she's naked so she is probably screaming bc she is cold. Sigh. No. Lol

  28. Mrs. Lion

    blogger / grapefruit / 4836 posts

    You guys, I was going to do a post called "dear peanut gallery" to take some of these and write what we all wish we could actually say to these people. But omg. All I can come up with is

  29. MrsF

    honeydew / 7283 posts

    OMG some of these are unbelievable!

    My aunt made me cry the other day. I was getting towards the end of my rope with my teething, tantruming toddler and my usually-supportive aunt lost her mind for a minute and said "wait until you have two (I'm 26 weeks pregnant) you'll think this was a f*cking breeze".

    I'm sure she's totally right, but NOT what I needed at that moment. I immediately burst into tears.

  30. Eko

    nectarine / 2148 posts

    I was buying a FRER at Walgreens and the "boy" checking me out looks at me and asks "is this an accident or no"?" My response "none of your business." I now shop at self checkout places

  31. MrsLilybugg

    pear / 1650 posts

    @.twist.: ahhhh I'm so curious- what was it that they said???

  32. StbHisMrs

    pomegranate / 3329 posts

    @dagret: Yeah, she's a real peach. I have red hair, that's where my son got it from, my Husband too when he was a newborn. She's a bit looney.

  33. candymum

    olive / 55 posts

    I'd say the rudest of I've got was with my first pregnancy a week before my due date I was in a homewares store and one of the sales assistants walked up to me and said;

    Her: " hi, my colleague and I have been debating how many babies you have in there. She thinks 3, I think you have 4 "

    Me: "just one. "

    Her: "oh but you're so big, how can there only be one"

    Seriously so rude

  34. Mrs. Tiger

    blogger / pomegranate / 3044 posts

    Oh! I forgot one!

    Not pregnancy related but, one of the first times my MIL was tying a sari for me (which fyi are literally 6 yards of fabric), she couldn't get it to fold the way she wanted, and she complained to then-boyfriend-DH that I needed to get a 9 yard sari since I was too wide. !!!!

    I've since learned to tie it myself and that it needs to be below my belly button for it to fall correctly and 6 yards are plenty

  35. IRunForFun

    pomelo / 5509 posts

    @.twist.: I'm just now reading this thread and I'm incredibly curious as to what she said!

  36. birdofafeather

    pineapple / 12053 posts

    @candymum: rude! what the heck?! this is a worker at the store??

  37. candymum

    olive / 55 posts

    @birdofafeather: yep a worker at the store.

    People are weird and say weird things. That's my theory anyway haha


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