I initially thought we'd get a pack and play and have baby sleep in the bassinet insert for the first few months in our room next to my side of the bed for easy night time feeding. Ideally that same pnp would travel with us when we visit friends and family and be a travel crib. After reading the gear regrets of some of the bees, it sounds like a lot of people thought the pnp was too bulky and cumbersome and I read about the Baby Bjorn travel crib for the first time. That sounds like a nice option, and since we are trying to save money and space (apartment living), I wonder if something like that would work well for us. Does anyone know if the Bjorn travl crib has a bassinet insert? It seems like middle of the night feeding would be annoying reaching down into the crib to pick him up. Or, is there a completely different early sleeper you found to be convenient to you and comfortable for baby? Thanks for any input!