I'm 6 or 7 weeks pregnant (7 when you base it off my last missed period; 6 when you account for the fact that I ovulated on day 20 rather than day 14 - this was a monitored cycle so an ultrasound showed I had not ovulated on day 16 and my fertility monitor didn't peak until day 20). My doctor's office had me come in last Monday for a beta HCG test and they called the next day to say that my levels were low for 6 weeks (1100) but that they were ok for 5 weeks and that I should come back 2 days later on Wednesday for another beta. The second beta only rose to 1529, which is about a 40% increase but not the 55%+ increase that the doctor's office was looking for. They had me come back in on Thursday for an emergency ultrasound to confirm that the pregnancy wasn't ectopic (which it wasn't) but they couldn't quite see the gestational sac in the uterus either. They have me coming back in tomorrow for another beta to see what happens to my levels. Has anybody had slow-to-rise levels and still had a viable pregnancy? I just feel so helpless sitting around and waiting and I can't get the nurse practitioner's words out of my head that this "just might not be a good pregnancy"...