Hellobee Boards


Beyond MC Support, 2015 holiday version

  1. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Crystal: Not great hun. Anti anxiety meds and a lot of therapy and G cuddles. How are you? x

  2. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @Nutella: I dont! Hah... I only put shatterproof ornaments down low this year and am constantly saying "look with your eyes."

  3. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    Sorry if you read this on another board too.. but we have officially finished miscarrying this pregnancy. Bloods finally baseline.

  4. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @jaguar: hallelujah! Very happy to hear this!

  5. Tanjowen

    nectarine / 2521 posts

    So I went in last Friday and scheduled my d&c. I asked the doctor to let me do another round of the misoprotol and she agreed. I ended up miscarrying Sunday after doubling the dose (her orders). I'm still not sure whether to be happy or cry, so I do both. I feel so much better physically and mentally and trying to not think about it.

    I do have 2 baby showers this coming weekend I absolutely dread. As my LO rapidly approaches his 2nd birthday, everyone keeps asking when we will have another or why we don't. I'm struggling to be nice.

  6. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @Tanjowen: I'm glad you're starting to feel better...but the baby showers sound like hell I'm facing similar questions as LO turns 2 in jan. And no one really thinks before speaking! Can you go for a quick cameo & escape? Or not really an option?

    I'm on cd31 with no AF & a painful bfn this morning. My cycle is normally 29 days so I just think this is extra mean kick in the guts from the universe!

  7. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @Tanjowen: @Nutella: I noticed the same thing leading up to my daughter's 2nd birthday a few weeks ago -- so many questions. Ugh. Sending you guys lots of strength!

    @jaguar: I'm so happy you're not dealing with this anymore.

  8. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @jaguar: yay! finally the end of a long road!

    @Tanjowen: I hate this question. I get it constantly lately and I'm sure it'll be nonstop at LO's birthday party. sometimes I want to respond "do you realize what an inappropriate question that is? You'll know when we have news to share, and not a moment earlier!"

    @Nutella: boo how frustrating for you. There's nothing worse than being in no period not pregnant limbo.

  9. Tanjowen

    nectarine / 2521 posts

    @Nutella: It's a family member so I "have" to show up, but I think it will definitely be a quick in and out type of deal for me. And I'm sorry you are stuck in limbo. Mother Nature is a mean birch at times it seems

    @MrsDragon: @Pirouette: I was totally that person before I had kids that asked these type of stupid questions. ...it's now like, ohhhhh this is why you mind your own business. Ugh.

  10. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @MrsDragon: @Pirouette: @Tanjowen: thanks ladies rough day yesterday but today much better & looking forward to sushi and sake with a gf tonight! 🎉

  11. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @Tanjowen: haha it's ok, you know now! I think that brings up a good point though - these are things you don't know until you go through it yourself, so it's hard for others to understand these questions are inappropriate. This would all be easier if things like infertility and miscarriages weren't so inexplicably taboo to talk about!

    @Nutella: NICE! enjoy! I "celebrate" pretty much every period with sushi and wine

  12. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @jaguar: are you feeling any better with the levels being at 0? I'm so happy for you to be able to move on! But so sad you have to.

    @Tanjowen: I hope you can escape quickly.

    @Tanjowen: @Nutella: @Pirouette: I've been getting it a lot lately too, though I don't have any live children. I think it's because dh and I just passed our third anniversary, and we've been together over 11 years. They all seem surprised we don't have zillions of kids running around already.

    @Nutella: we have to celebrate the small things!

  13. winniebee

    hostess / wonderful grape / 20803 posts


    @jaguar: finally.

  14. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Crystal: Yes and no. They took so long to get down, they ruined our goal of a December FET. So now we are stuck waiting. And the spotting I had lasted ONE day, and no real bleed... so I don't even know where I stand in my cycle.

    That and about a million pregnancy announcements in the last few days (some from my real life IVF support group - where I am officially now the last one to get pregnant with a sibling) and I am a complete mess.

  15. Tanjowen

    nectarine / 2521 posts


    I survived the baby shower today. Of course a newborn showed up and it about broke me. I stayed for about an hour through the speeches and opening of gifts, and then when 2 people asked me when we were going to add another to our family, I bolted. All in all, not as terrible as I expected, but still not fun.

    I hope everyone has a nice, relaxing holiday season and hopefully reset for the new year. Thanks for all the love and support from you ladies on here!

  16. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @Tanjowen: I'm so sorry friend. I'm glad you were able to escape.

    @jaguar: fx your body gets back on track soon. I understand how hard the pregnancy announcements are, I'm so sorry friend. I'm dreading Christmas for a similar reason.

  17. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    Is anyone doing anything special to remember their losses this Christmas?

    I asked in a Facebook group I'm in, and one mom has stockings for all her babies (she's had 5 MCs) and each year they make a donation in their names and put the receipts in the stockings. Then over the years they can see all the good that's been done in their children's names. I thought that was a really good idea and might start it this year for Gigi.

    So far, we have remembrance ornaments (I made one on shutterfly and have received a few).

  18. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    I'm joining in as I could use some support...

    1. What is your story? I have a 3 year old at home and have been trying to conceive for a year. We got pregnant in June but miscarried at 7 weeks. We also got pregnant in November and last Friday when I went in for my ultrasound at 6 weeks and 4 days they saw an empty gestational sac. My beta at 5 weeks 4 days was 5470 and my beta at 6 weeks 4 days is 22,116 so not exactly doubling and also not helpful in telling me any more about whether I have a blighted ovum. Now I'm just waiting for a second ultrasound on Friday to see if anything has changed.

    2. How do you feel today? Pretty lousy. I'm stuck in this awful waiting game as it seems like history is about to repeat itself. It also took about 5 months for my cycles to normalize after my last miscarriage and I had terrible acne, a short luteal phase, etc. I'm really hoping that my body will bounce back more quickly this time around.

    3. If you have any "next steps" what are they? If this pregnancy ends up as a blighted ovum, then we plan to resume our plan to do IVF as soon as possible after the new year. I have a diminished ovarian reserve and don't really want to waste any more time trying on my own.

    4. What coping strategies have worked the best for you? Just taking it one day at a time.

  19. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @Shantuck: Hugs and welcome I'm so sorry you have to wait all week for further news. do they think there's a chance you implanted late or your ovulation date is off maybe? and I hear you on the acne post-MC - mine has been terrible! and I never had acne with my first pregnancy at all. i feel like a teenager again. My hormones must be just totally wacked out.

  20. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    @Pirouette: Thanks for the welcome. The gestational sac is actually measuring on track with respect to when I ovulated. The issue is that with an hcg level in excess of 5000, they should have seen a yolk sac. There are miraculous internet stories where the person comes back and everything shows up the next week. I just know with my diminished ovarian reserve, my eggs are crappy to start with so the story will likely not end that way with me.

  21. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @Shantuck: ah ok. well this isn't exactly the same, but I was measuring almost a week behind with my first pregnancy at 6 weeks (and change) and had a follow up at 8 weeks and was right on track, so sometimes these things do happen! Try not to google too much, and try to find lots and lots of distractions before friday! I'll be thinking of you!

  22. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts


  23. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @Shantuck: There's always room for some miracles. I hope you do end up being one of those stories!

    I have my Christmas ornaments up.

  24. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    I got my labs back that my doctor ordered. She only ordered one loss panel (there are two options) and hormone levels.

    Nothing came back out of the ordinary. My clotting factors and the autoimmune stuff that was checked came back fine.

    I'm pissed. There has to be SOMETHING going on...

  25. jaguar

    pomegranate / 3764 posts

    @MaryM: Sometimes that can be the most frustrating thing of all. For what it's worth, I had genetic testing done on me and hubby, but also the full 16-vial miscarriage blood panel... and nothing came back wrong.

    Super sensitive question, but did they pinpoint anything with bub? *hugs*

  26. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @MaryM: sorry the results explained nothing - super frustrating!

    I bought a pretty ornament for our tree remembering our little bean. And also finally chose a gold charm for a chain that I'm wearing. It's nice to remember it's there during some of the crappier days.

    @jaguar: I just had a flurry of birth announcements on FB this week and those are stinging me as much as the pregnancies that are everywhere

  27. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @Shantuck: welcome & hugs to you

  28. MaryM

    pomelo / 5129 posts

    @jaguar: we didn't have a full autopsy done (that just seemed cruel at the time), but they tested for viruses and chromosomal issues and nothing came back positive.

    My doctor called and my hormones are low (progesterone AND estrogen) so I guess I'll find out next steps for that next week at my follow up.

  29. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @MaryM: I hadnt thought about it, but I think I would like to do something to remember our losses. Hmmm... I hope they can get your levels up ASAP and they will be the fix you need for
    Your rainbow baby.

    @Shantuck: good luck! I hope everything works out. We're here to support regardless. ❤

    @jaguar: @Nutella: what ornament did you get? An ornament is a good idea...

  30. delight

    pomelo / 5326 posts

    @Shantuck: welcome and I am sorry you are going through this. I had a series of ultrasounds in October and they kept giving me false hope. I hope for you that this does turn into s miracle, but no matter what the outcome we are here and rooting for you.
    @MaryM: I hope the doctors can figure out a good plan for you and that 2016 brings happier times.
    My girlfriend and I are going to make ornaments this week for our losses. We have an Angel tree at a park downtown dedicated to lost babies so we will hang an ornament on that tree and on our own.

    Four more days until our one year anniversary of our loss and I keep welling up. I feel like I have constant tears ready to fall and am finding it hard to hold it together. I just remember how awful last Christmas was and how I just kept telling myself "Next year you'll be pregnant with a heathy baby at Christmas." Blah!

  31. Tanjowen

    nectarine / 2521 posts

    @Shantuck: Welcome. The waiting phase is so hard and I hope the time in between passes quickly for you and really hoping for good news for you.

    @delight: The tree sounds amazing and what a wonderful idea! I don't plan to commemorate with anything. ..I feel like if I stop and reflect on it I'll crawl back into bed and not come back out.

  32. Nutella

    persimmon / 1045 posts

    @Crystal: I got got a crystal heart with love engraved on it. I found it at some markets that we're going on last weekend, and I really liked it.

    Sigh, another two births announced (from my roughly 15+ pregnant friends) and it is tough! Two girls today, while yesterday was three boys! It's not even like I can just avoid FB, I got sent messages obviously because I'm their friend...but I just hate feeling so jealous!

  33. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    Thanks for all the good thoughts, everyone! It's nice to have support from people who have also been through it.

  34. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    Kicking myself for sharing early pregnancy in so many online support places, because now I have to go do this over and over -- I'm bleeding today and pretty sure this is loss #3. I have an appointment in half an hour but I'm relatively certain of what I'm going to find out.

  35. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    @Shantuck: sending you all kinds of good thoughts.

  36. Shantuck

    pear / 1767 posts

    @MrsDragon: I'm sorry. Hoping there is some sort of explanation for the bleeding that doesn't involve a loss.

  37. Pirouette

    pomegranate / 3331 posts

    @MrsDragon: oh no I'm so sorry. I hope the bleeding is actually nothing and your appointment brings good news - but even if it doesn't, know that these online support groups are here for just that reason, and we're all here to help you through this

  38. Crystal

    grapefruit / 4028 posts

    @MrsDragon: I'm really hoping it's just a random bleed and you will get good news later today.

    @Nutella: I like that! I want something meaningful that's not in your face, if that makes sense. Yours seems to strike that balance perfectly.

  39. Zbug

    persimmon / 1355 posts

    @MrsDragon: I'm sorry. How are you doing?

  40. mrsmacandcheese

    blogger / clementine / 985 posts

    Thanks everyone.

    @Zbug: I'm sad -- not as sharply sad as I was after a 6-week loss, because I was barely pregnant this time, but sad. Feeling those "why did I even bother going to the doctor/calling in/having hope" feelings, exacerbated by a needless ultrasound and a doctor who was kinda giving me the why-are-you-here-so-early side eye.

    I burst into tears in the ultrasound room and the tech was like "I know, 4 weeks 1 day, why did they even send you in here?" I'm hoping someone will call me tomorrow because nobody did today, but I had the u/s at 11:30-ish and the clinic closed at noon.

    Mostly terrified of what comes next. I don't know how deeply into investigating this I want to go. And I am probably going to slap the next person who asks me when we're having another kid or why we don't have one or if we're planning on another one.

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