I am on a hormonal annoyed rampage right now. so bear with me.

what the heck is with the freakin' viral photos?

"How many likes for this puppy/kitten/kid doing something cute/piece of chocolate cake"
"1 like = 1 punch in the face!"
"for every like $2 will be donated to X/Y/Z"
"like if you RESPECT the country/kids with cancer/etc"

some companies do donate based on "likes" but not these random floater photos. also, a like does NOT equal a punch in the face. and I do not have to click 'like' on a random photo to care about world issues or the country.

I am fully aware I sound like a ranting lunatic right now, but I'm blaming it on hormones, the heat and swollen feet

What are your biggest facebook pet peeves?