150 votes
wonderful olive / 19353 posts
I've never taken BCP. The hormonal side effects freak me out. We used either condoms or pull and pray method.
wonderful grape / 20453 posts
Mini pill for 4 weeks and period suppression. I started them 6 weeks postpartum
I've taken the mini pill for years, no problems! It also keeps the Endo from coming back
bananas / 9628 posts
@Mrs. Pen: you're more likely to have complications. Doesn't happen to everyone, but it increases your chance of it. I had a short lived iud, my uterus contracted it out until it got stuck at the top if the T, so just the bottom was sticking out my cervix and my dr wanted me to complete a round of antibiotics before removing it but I didn't tolerate any of the ones she gave me, so it took about 4-5 uncomfortable days before she took it out. She wouldn't try to put another in (I asked! and insertion SUCKED since my cervix was very closed) but said after I'd had a child we could revisit the issue. I know so many ppl that LOVE theirs, I'd absolutely consider trying again in the future even with my less than stellar experience.
GOLD / pineapple / 12662 posts
@lamariniere: I also hated the mini pill . . . it really decreased my supply!
GOLD / wonderful apricot / 22646 posts
7 months pp and we're using condoms/pulling & praying.
though non-BC periods SUCK, i don't want hormones up in my shizzzzzzz it's working for now, must.be.extra.careful-- no plans to TTC for another yera!
bananas / 9357 posts
Right now, condoms. I didn't want to go on any hormonal birth control until we're done having kids. Then I'll probably go back on the pill. I did fine on the pill before.
pomegranate / 3921 posts
i was on the pill for years - just went off in may! eeeek! we use the "pull 'n pray" for the first month, and now are officially NTNP, even though DH is out of town for a month (:() so i guess that's more like preventing.
pomegranate / 3105 posts
I was on the pill + condoms for a long time. I was on the patch when it first came out and went off of it when there weren't enough studies done. Then I switched from the pill to the Nuvaring, which I loved, along with condoms. Now no prevention.
eggplant / 11408 posts
I did bc for 8 years before we switched to NFP. Used that to avoid before we started TTC, and are using it now to avoid for a few months. Love, love NFP!
persimmon / 1388 posts
I was on BCP for 7ish years prior to TTC last fall. We're still TTC, but I'd consider the pill again post-baby (we're most likely going to be one-and-done). Especially since OFF the pill I have THE most horrendous, heavy, painful periods. That alone makes me want to go back on!!
papaya / 10343 posts
I was on BCP for 11 years and last October switched to the lady comp. Which is basically a little computer that does NFP for those of us too lazy to do it ourselves. Take your temp at the same time every day with the attached thermometer and and it gives you a red light (STOP-- you could get pregnant today), yellow light(Not sure-- assume you could get pregnant today), or green light (GO for sex). It also blinks red the day you ovulate so you know. On red/yellow light days we did pull n' pray.
It worked great for me for the 11 months I was on it. And I feel particularly confident that it was accurate with me because we had a miscommunication this month about what color day it was and my husband did not pull out (day before I o'd) and I wound up pregnant. (Which we are very excited about, despite the surprise!)
bananas / 9899 posts
3 months before TTC I used BCP (8 years) and condoms, but only as backups if I missed a pill by mistake or something.
I'm never going on the pill again, so I will probably do a NFP and condoms combination whenever I am not TTC in the future.
honeydew / 7667 posts
I was on the pill for like 12 years. I didn't realize how much it was messing with my hormones until I went off if it and felt like birds were singing and the sun was shining (no joke) I will never go back on the pill.
papaya / 10343 posts
@MrsH: I totally agree! I had an inkling for a while that bcps were messing with my, but when i asked my doc i'd been on them for like 9 years and she told me there were some health benefits to sticking them out for the decade so i did. then it took me a while to decide what i'd use next. but i was so grateful when i went off of them! I felt better, I had a better sex drive, I had shorter periods, no pms... it was crazy. I will definitely never go on the pill again.
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