I'm working on getting my 15 month old twins off of bottles (of wcm) and onto sippy cups. The reason they take bottles of wcm in the first place is because that's the only way they would transition from formula to cow's milk a few months ago. Now I'd like to cut out the bottles. The no bottles part is going fine, but they aren't transitioning to the sippy/straw cups. Instead they have transitioned to nursing 587 times per day. We were down to 3-4 nursing sessions per day and 1-2 per night per baby. Now we're up to 8-10 nursing sessions per day and 1-2 per night per baby.

They are drinking a little water and a few sips at a time of wcm at a time from a variety of sippy/straw and open cups, but I think they've decided if they aren't going to get bottles they will go back to nursing constantly. I think they have somehow brought my supply back from the brink of extinction. I woke up yesterday and had leaked through my shirt! That hasn't happened in about a year. Anyway, I'm ok with this frequency of nursing to ease the transition if need be, but I'm afraid they aren't actually going to transition to cups at all at this rate. Did anyone else go through this? Did your LO eventually go to a cup or did it continue like this until they weaned? I was sort of hoping we were easing into weaning, but now it looks like they will never stop nursing.