Help. I don't know how it even started but M nurses to sleep. Between the 3 month growth spurt and 4 month sleep regression sleep has been horrendous.
She has woken up every 1-2 hours almost every single night for the past month. Usually after a 4/5am waking she will not let me put her back in the crib.

It takes an hour to put her down, I've tried putting her down earlier but she always wakes up! I am fine with the one hour bc it's a vast improvement from the 2-3 hours before.

It just makes it hard for other people to put her down for naps during the day. Or for me to get anything done. Not to mention 3/4 of the night I sleep sitting up. My back is killing me and last night I had to switch arms bc both fell asleep.

I am NOT cut out for CIO. There's been a few times I've gotten frustrated and I let her for a few minutes. But I feel horrible and always pick her up!

My first step is to purchase "The No Cry Sleep Solution" and see if there's anything in there I can use!

For those that broke a nurse to sleep habit. How did you?