Is it smooth? Easy to maneuver? I'm use to how smooth my BOB is and so is DH. We had a city mini double and DH hated how rough it felt.
What about the attachment seat, is it easy for LO to get out? Do they like it?
Is it smooth? Easy to maneuver? I'm use to how smooth my BOB is and so is DH. We had a city mini double and DH hated how rough it felt.
What about the attachment seat, is it easy for LO to get out? Do they like it?
papaya / 10560 posts
Are you pg with your 2nd or 3rd? I can't decide what kind of stroller I want! Many say the b-ready is great, and I did like the test drive at BBB. Can't decide if I like it better or equal to city mini double.
pomegranate / 3275 posts
@HLK208: It is smooth and super easy to maneuver, though you can't take the longest strides in the world. I wouldn't say it is as smooth as the BOB, but it is pretty good. In terms of getting in and out of the second seat, I think it kind of sucks. DD is 3.5 years old and I really struggle to get her in and out of it. But, if you put the older child up and the younger one in the infant carrier on the bottom it is AWESOME!
eggplant / 11716 posts
I have the B ready, but only with one seat (for now). We did buy it with a future second seat in mine though. I think it's a super smooth ride and turns on a dime for a stroller with such wide wheels. Love the roomy basket, too.
Sorry I can't comment more on the second seat factor! I do like how you can put the infant seat either below or on top.
pineapple / 12234 posts
@matador84: is the city mini smooth? I think mine was the GT side by side. Wasn't crazy about it
Baby number 3!
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
Super smooth and much easier to maneuver than a side by side.
You pretty much have to put the younger child on the bottom, in my opinion. The reason we bought the B Ready instead of a different double conversion stroller is that it was the only one that could put the baby on the bottom. The second seat is good from birth, but the second seat also comes with the converter set to put an infant bucket seat on the bottom (facing you). This is my plan once we have #2.
For now, we've been using our B Ready as a single (awesome!!!) or as a double with the second seat for our nanny share (so it's just like using the stroller for twins). Because both babies are babies, getting in and out of the second seat isn't an issue.
I seriously LOVE this stroller - I can't say enough good things about it. We bought it planning/hoping to have 2u2, so always planned to use it as a double. We live in a city, so it gets a lot of use!
pomegranate / 3275 posts
@HLK208: If you are spending that kind of money on a stroller for baby 3, you might want to look into the City Jogger Select. I wish we had this one (I am expecting number 3 as well) because the City Jogger Select can have two kids seated and one on the glidder board (it is front/back instead of side by side). You can't do that with the b-ready. My husband won't let me buy this stroller, so I'm going to have to make it work with the b-ready.
GOLD / pomelo / 5737 posts
Following! We want it for #2 if dd will still sit in a stroller by then... but also saw the city jogger select this weekend and thought that looked like a good option. Not sure what we'll do, the way we're planning it dd will be a little under 2.5 when we have lo2, and she's already pretty anti-stroller.
pineapple / 12234 posts
@septca: your post made me super excited for this stroller lol.
anyone else?
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@HLK208: MamaBehr makes a good point about the City Select.
When we were stroller shopping (again, knowing it would get a ton of use and knowing we hoped for 2u2), we looked at four strollers: The UB Vista, the City Select, the Phil and Ted's, and the B Ready.
The P&T's wasn't really an option because the doubles package sucks - it seems like an afterthought.
I really liked the *idea* of the UBV, but in the end, we dropped it for the same reason as the P&T's - the UBV is really made to be a fancy single stroller; the second "jump" seat is an afterthought. Plus, I hated that it could only go in one - in my opinion, awkward - position on the front of the stroller, and it seemed really flimsy.
The City Select was our second choice. It has a lot of the same awesome aspects of the B Ready and people I know seem to love it. But, for us, it just seemed HUGE with two seats. If we were having twins, I would have absolutely gone for the City Select, but for two kids close in age, I think the B Ready is the right choice.
pineapple / 12234 posts
@septca: that's what I've heard, the City Select is just really long with the second seat.
I love the UV but it does seem flimsy. Totally agree on the double being an after thought.
Okay, Britax it is Twilight or Silver???
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@HLK208: I say silver.
We used to have the navy, which I loved, but we had to return it because the bag ripped and my husband insisted we get "the ninja stroller" (the eclipse) when we replaced it. Too bad you can't get the black frame (it shows fewer scratches than the silver) with colored seats!
pineapple / 12234 posts
The second seat comes tomorrow!
Thanks for the help it's super smooth! I love it.
GOLD / pomegranate / 3688 posts
@HLK208: I highly recommend getting the cup holder accessory thing that velcros across the handle bar. It has two cup holders and lots of handy pockets!
GOLD / papaya / 10206 posts
@HLK208: were stroller twins! Love my Twilight bready and we can't wait to get our second seat
grapefruit / 4400 posts
@MamaBehr: @septca: @HLK208: just got ours since Amazon is doing the Free Ride event again-- I know the adapter extension that came with the 2nd seat says to only use with the bassinet or the infant bucket on top, but have any of you used the extensions with the main seat instead? I feel like just those few extra inches would make LO#2 more comfy sitting on the bottom!
pineapple / 12234 posts
@HabesBabe: I haven't but I would just be worried it wouldn't be as secure. LO sat in the second seat the other day on a long walk and did great though, she had plenty of room.
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